CBSE Popular Struggles and Movements - Class 10 MCQs, Political Science - Chapter 5

CBSE MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Popular Struggles and Movements

CBSE Popular Struggles and Movements Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs) will help students study the topics covered in Chapter 5. It is an important chapter in the syllabus of Class 10 Social Science. Solving the Popular Struggles and Movements MCQ Questions, in addition to referring to the CBSE Notes for Class 10 Social Science, will help students to understand the chapter in a comprehensive manner and be better prepared for the board examination.

Students must solve MCQ Questions and CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Papers to understand their levels of preparation. The Popular Struggles and Movements MCQs given below will help students to revise and recollect the important concepts and points related to topics such as popular struggles in Nepal and Bolivia, the movement for democracy in Nepal, Bolivia’s water war, mobilisation and organisations, pressure groups and movements.

Apart from the MCQs given below, students are recommended to access MCQ Questions and Answers for Class 10 Social Science to get the complete list of MCQs for all the chapters of Class 10 Social Science subjects, History, Geography, Political Science and Economics.

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Explore Popular Struggles and Movements MCQs for CBSE Class 10

1) Nepal was one of the ‘third wave’ countries that had won democracy in _________.

a) 1990

b) 1996

c) 1987

d) 1995

Answer: Option (a)

2) On 24 April 2006, the king of Nepal was forced to concede all the demands, and the SPA chose _______ as the new Prime Minister of the Interim Government.

a) Sher Bahadur Deuba

b) K. P. Sharma Oli

c) Girija Prasad Koirala

d) Madhav Kumar Nepal

Answer: Option (c)

3) People’s successful struggle against the privatisation of water in ________ reminds us that popular struggles are integral to the working of democracy.

a) Ecuador

b) Brazil

c) Peru

d) Bolivia

Answer: Option (d)

4) Bolivia is a poor country located in ________.

a) North America

b) Latin America

c) Africa

d) Asia

Answer: Option (b)

5) The _________ pressured the Bolivian Government to give up its control of the municipal water supply.

a) World Bank

b) International Monetary Fund (IMF)

c) World Economic Forum (WEF)

d) World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Answer: Option (a)

6) The Bolivian Government had sold the rights for the city of _______ to a multinational company. The company immediately increased the price of water by four times, causing great distress to the public.

a) Sucre

b) La Paz

c) Cochabamba

d) Potosi

Answer: Option (c)

7) The popular struggle in Bolivia was about one specific policy, while the struggle in Nepal was about the _________.

a) Foundations of the country’s politics.

b) Foundations of the country’s economic policies

c) Foundations of the country’s religious policies.

d) Foundations of the country’s policies on external affairs.

Answer: Option (a)

8) Which of the following statements regarding protests in Bolivia and Nepal are false?

a) Both of these are instances of political conflict that led to popular struggles.

b) In both cases, the struggle involved mass mobilisation.

c) Public demonstration of mass support clinched the dispute.

d) Both instances did not involve the critical role of political organisations.

Answer: Option (d)

9) Which of the following statements regarding democracy is true?

a) Democracy evolves through popular struggles.

b) Defining moments of democracy usually involves conflict between those groups who have exercised power and those who aspire for a share in power.

c) These moments come when the country is going through the transition to democracy, expansion of democracy or deepening of democracy

d) All of the above.

Answer: Option (d)

10) Which of the following statements are true about democratic conflicts?

a) Democratic conflict is resolved through mass mobilisation.

b) It is possible that the conflict is resolved by using existing institutions like the Parliament or the Judiciary.

c) When there is a deep dispute, very often, these institutions themselves get involved in the dispute. The resolution has to come from outside, from the people.

d) All of the above.

Answer: Option (d)

11) The Green Belt Movement had planted 30 million trees across______. Its leader was Wangari Maathai.

a) Kenya

b) Uganda

c) South Africa

d) Bolivia

Answer: Option (a)

12) In 1987, a movement called Kittiko-Hachchiko (meaning pluck and plant) started a non-violent protest, where people plucked the eucalyptus plants and planted saplings of trees that were useful to them. This movement took place in _______.

a) Maharashtra

b) Andhra Pradesh

c) Karnataka

d) Gujarat

Answer: Option (c)

13) Which of the following statements is true?

a) SPA was not the only organisation behind the mass upsurge in Nepal.

b) The protest was joined by the Nepalese Communist Party (Maoist), which believed in parliamentary democracy.

c) Nepalese Communist Party (Maoist) was involved in an armed struggle against the Nepali Government and had established its control over large parts of Nepal.

d) Both (a) and (c).

Answer: Option (d)

14) Which of the following statements regarding the protest against water privatisation is true?

a) The protest against water privatisation in Bolivia was not led by any political party.

b) The protest was led by an organisation called FEDECOR.

c) FEDECOR comprised local professionals, including engineers and environmentalists

d) All of the above.

Answer: Option (d)

15) Which of the following statements regarding pressure groups are true?

a) Pressure groups are organisations that attempt to influence Government policies.

b) Pressure groups do not aim to directly control or share political power.

c) Pressure groups are formed when people with common occupations, interests, aspirations or opinions come together in order to achieve a common objective.

d) All of the above.

Answer: Option (d)

16) Trade unions are examples of _______.

a) Pressure groups

b) Interest groups

c) Political groups

d) Economic groups

Answer: Option (b)

17) __________ are the groups which promote collective good rather than selective good.

a) Public Interest groups

b) Pressure groups

c) Political groups

d) Economic groups

Answer: Option (a)

18) A group fighting against bonded labour is an example of ________.

a) Religious groups

b) Right to equality groups

c) Pressure groups

d) Public interest groups

Answer: Option (d)

19) The RTI Act of ________ is a landmark legislation passed by our Parliament. Under this Act, citizens can seek information from Government offices pertaining to different activities.

a) 2001

b) 2005

c) 2007

d) 2000

Answer: Option (b)

20) When the Assam movement led by _______ against the ‘foreigners’ came to an end, it led to the formation of the Asom Gana Parishad.

a) Business groups

b) Political parties

c) Lawyers

d) Students

Answer: Option (d)


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