Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties with Answers - Set 2

The periodic table is an orderly list of all the chemical elements in ascending atomic numbers. When the chemical elements are grouped in this way, a pattern known as the “periodic law” emerges in their properties, where elements in the same column (group) exhibit comparable properties.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Set 2
Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Set 2

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties– Set 2

Q-1: The bond length in LiF will be

a) Less than that of NaF

b) Equal to that of KF

c) Greater to that of KF

d) Equal to that of NaF

Q-2: Ha is an alphabetical symbol for

a) Hafnium

b) Hassnium

c) Helium

d) Hahnium

Q-3: The first ionisation potentials (eV) of Be and B, respectively, are

a) 9.32, 9.32

b) 8.29, 8.29

c) 8.29, 9.32

d) 9.32, 8.29

Q-4: In which of the following pairs the radii of the second species is greater than that of the first?

a) H, He

b) K, Ca

c) O, O2-

d) Mg+, Mg2+

Q-5: Which of these does not affect the periodicity of the elements?

a) Electronegativity

b) Ionisation energy

c) Bonding behaviour

d) Neutron/proton ratio

Q-6: Ne has an internuclear distance of 360 pm between neighbouring atoms. What will be the radius of van der Waals?

Q-7: Which element is anticipated to be more electronegative, X or Y, if X has higher ionisation energy than Y of the two provided elements?

Q-8: What are the three types of atomic radii, and which one is the easiest to determine?

Q-9: Lanthanoids and actinoids are placed in separate rows at the bottom of the periodic table. Explain the reason for this arrangement.

Q-10: Which important property did Mendeleev use to classify the elements in his periodic table?

Q-11: a) Moving down the alkali metal group, which element is least expected to donate electrons and why?

b) What is the Dobereiner triad?

Q-12: The electron gain enthalpy of nitrogen is positive, whereas that of oxygen is negative. However, the ionisation enthalpy of oxygen is smaller than that of nitrogen. Explain.

Q-13: Select the element with the property listed below for the following sets of elements:

(i) Largest van der Waals radius: O, N, Cl, H

(ii) Most positive electron gain enthalpy: Na, Ne, Ar, N

Q-14: What do you understand by the periodic classification of elements?

Q-15: Calculate the energy in joules required to transform all sodium atoms in 4.3 mg of sodium vapours to sodium ions. Sodium has an ionisation enthalpy of 495kJ/mol. (The atomic mass of Na is 23).

Q-16: Give the atomic numbers and names of the following elements:

(i) The fourth alkali metal

(ii) The first inner transition element

(iii) The fifth noble gas

(iv) The fifth alkaline earth metal

Q-17: What differences exist between the electronic configurations of the elements with Z = 107-109?

Q-18: B’s second ionisation enthalpy is very high compared to the first ionisation enthalpy. Why?

Q-19: a) What are isoelectronic species?

b) Give examples of three cations and three anions which are isoelectronic with Argon (Ar).

Q-20: a) Write the electronic configurations of the elements listed below:

P(At. No. = 10), Q(At.No.= 11), R( 28), S( 54), and T ( 58).

b) Also predict the group number and block to which they belong.

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