Difference between Sometime and Sometimes | Sometime vs Sometimes

Confused about whether to use ‘sometime’ or ‘sometimes’ in a sentence? Do both words sound the same? This article will help you understand all the essential points that you need to know while using the terms ‘sometime’ and ‘sometimes’. Once students go through this article, they’ll understand when and where to use these words.

Apart from this pair, there are many other words in the English Language that often confuse students, and to make sure that children understand the meanings of such confusing words, parents should teach the difference between commonly confused words such as homophones, synonyms, etc. Once they understand the differences, it becomes easier for them to apply these words in sentences. Let’s have a look at the following topics that’ll help us understand the difference between ‘sometime’ and ‘sometimes’.

Table Summarising the Difference between Sometime and Sometimes

Meaning The word sometime refers to some point of time in the future/past that is undetermined or unknown. The word sometimes refers to something that is not frequent or not always.
Usage It can be used as an Adjective or Adverb. It is used as an Adverb.
Example I will go to the museum sometime. Mary sometimes visits the church.

The table points out that ‘sometime’ or ‘sometimes’ can neither be treated as synonymous nor can they be used interchangeably. Once students understand the difference, it becomes easy for them to use.

The Difference between Sometime and Sometimes – Meanings

Just an ‘s’ at the end can create a huge difference in the meanings of these words. When someone uses the word ‘sometime’ as an adverb, it means some point of time in the future/past that’s undetermined and unknown for as of now, for example, ‘Amy will visit her grandparents sometime in May’, whereas when the word ‘sometime’ can be used as an adjective e.g., ‘The sometime teacher runs a multinational company now.’ Students should be careful about how they want to use this word. Proper understanding of the context is very necessary here. The word ‘sometimes’ refers to something that is not frequent and is used only as an adverb, for example, ‘Tom visits the public library sometimes.’ Here, the word ‘sometimes’ is used as an adverb. The following examples will help students to understand more clearly.

Examples of Sometime and Sometimes

The following example will help students understand the words ‘sometime’ or ‘sometimes’:

Sometime – i) The final examination results will be released sometime around March. (adverb)

ii) The sometime driver is now a professional commercial pilot. (adjective)

Sometimes – Sometimes it’s necessary to think before you make a decision. (adverb)

Once students understand the difference between the words ‘sometime’ and ‘sometimes’, they can easily apply these words in the proper contexts.

Sometime and Sometimes – Conclusion

In conclusion, the words ‘sometime’ and ‘sometimes’ aren’t synonymous and can’t be used interchangeably. A single omission of ‘s’ at the end can change the meaning of the entire sentence. This article points out the major differences between these two commonly confused words and helps students their correct usage. BYJU’S offers various articles on many such ‘Difference Between’ two words that people often get confused with.


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