You might have heard the word ‘trip’ and ‘tour’ used quite frequently but have you ever wondered what these two terms exactly mean? Most students might think that both these terms are the same and can be used interchangeably. But that is not correct. After reading this article, one will understand how or when to use the words ‘trip’ and ‘tour’.

Not only these words, but there are many words in the English Language which students find pretty confusing to comprehend. The main reason for this confusion is most of those words seem like they can be used interchangeably and have the same meanings, but that’s not the case always. This article will highlight the differences between the commonly confused pair of words ‘tour’ and ‘trip’. Let’s have a look at the following points.

Table Summarising the Difference between Trip and Tour

Trip Tour
Meaning The word ‘trip’ means a short outing that one takes, especially for pleasure. Trips can also refer to journeys taken for official business purposes.

To lose balance during movement.

The word ‘tour’ means longer journeys taken to several places/destinations for pleasure. It could be for other purposes such as research, performing art forms, sports and business or political purposes also.
Usage It is used as a Noun and a Verb. It is used as a Noun as well a Verb.
Example Ron and his family went on a weekend trip. Ginny took a tour around the globe.

This table shows that though ‘trip’ and ‘tour’ are related to travel, they cannot be treated as synonymous, and neither can be used interchangeably. For students who might get confused about how to use these words, this table will help them understand how the words ‘trip’ and ‘tour’ are different from each other. Once they know the difference between these two words, they can use them in the correct contexts.

The Difference between Trip and Tour – Meanings

Most students think the words ‘trip’ and ‘tour’ are the same, but that’s not the case. Both words have entirely different meanings and would be incorrect if used interchangeably. The word ‘trip’ can be used both as a noun and a verb. When the word ‘trip’ is used as a noun, it means a short outing that one takes, especially for pleasure, for example, ‘We went for a trip to the nearby camping site.’ When the word ‘trip’ is used as a verb, it means to slip or stumble upon something, for example, ‘Ram tripped over the carpet and bruised his knees.’ On the other hand, the word ‘tour’ means longer journeys taken to several places/destinations for pleasure or other purposes with certain agendas in mind, for example, ‘Our family takes two tours in a year.’

Examples of Trip and Tour

The following examples will help students understand the words ‘trip’ and ‘tour’ quite clearly:

Trip – i) Seeing the old photos, we took a trip down the memory lane. (noun)

ii) I tripped a lot on the stairs and got hurt when I was younger. (verb)

Tour – i) The teacher asked the students to write about one of their memorable tours. (noun)

ii) The minister toured the play grounds for the basketball team yesterday.

Once students understand the difference between the words ‘trip’ and ‘tour’, they can easily apply them in sentences of their own.

Trip and Tour – Conclusion

In conclusion, the words ‘trip’ and ‘tour’ can neither be used synonymously nor can be used interchangeably. This article points out the difference between ‘trip’ and ‘tour’ to make it easy for students to put them in sentences. Register with BYJU’S English for more articles on similar topics.


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