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Code Optimization in Compiler Design

Code optimization is a program modification strategy that endeavours to enhance the intermediate code, so a program utilises the least potential memory, minimises its CPU time and offers high speed.

Code Optimization in compiler

Table of Contents

Reasons for Optimizing the Code

  • Code optimization is essential to enhance the execution and efficiency of a source code.
  • It is mandatory to deliver efficient target code by lowering the number of instructions in a program.

When to Optimize?

Code optimization is an important step that is usually performed at the last stage of development.

Role of Code Optimization

  • It is the fifth stage of a compiler, and it allows you to choose whether or not to optimize your code, making it really optional.
  • It aids in reducing the storage space and increases compilation speed.
  • It takes source code as input and attempts to produce optimal code.
  • Functioning the optimization is tedious; it is preferable to employ a code optimizer to accomplish the assignment.

Different Types of Optimization

Optimization is classified broadly into two types:

  • Machine-Independent
  • Machine-Dependent

Video on Code Optimization

Machine-Independent Optimization

It positively affects the efficiency of intermediate code by transforming a part of code that does not employ hardware parts. It usually optimises code by eliminating tediums and removing unneeded code.



item = 10;

amount= amount + item;

} while(amount<100);

This code implicates the replicated assignment of the identifier item if we put it this way:

item = 10;



amount= amount + item;

} while(amount<100);

Machine-Independent Optimization Techniques:

  • Compile Time Evaluation
  • Common Subexpression Elimination
  • Variable Propagation
  • Dead Code Elimination
  • Code Movement
  • Strength Reduction

Code Optimization

Machine-Dependent Optimization

After the target code has been constructed and transformed according to the target machine architecture, machine-dependent optimization is performed. It makes use of CPU registers and may utilise absolute rather than relative memory addresses. Machine-dependent optimizers work hard to maximise the perks of the memory hierarchy.

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