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Self Join in SQL

A self join in SQL helps us in joining data given in the same table. In simpler words, a self join would join a table with itself. Thus, the records taken from the given table are matched and compared to other records from the very same table in the case of self join in SQL.

In this article, we will take a look at the self join in SQL according to the GATE Syllabus for CSE (Computer Science Engineering). Read ahead to learn more.

Table of Contents

What is Self Join in SQL?

We use the self join in SQL to join any table to itself in a way that we assume that the table is two tables. This way, we temporarily rename at least one of the tables in an SQL statement.


Here is the basic syntax of a typical SELF JOIN:

SELECT x.name_of_column, y.name_of_column…

FROM table_1 x, table_1 y

WHERE x.common_field = y.common_field;

In this case, the WHERE clause can be any of the given expressions on the basis of your requirement.

Example of Self Join in SQL

Let us consider the following table to understand how self join works in SQL.

CLIENTS Table is given below:

C1 Rimona Indore 24 2000.00
C2 Kate MP 22 1500.00
C3 Wendy Bhopal 25 2000.00
C4 Christina Kota 27 6500.00
C5 Hinata Mumbai 23 8500.00
C6 Kendall Delhi 25 4500.00
C7 Miranda Ahmedabad 32 10000.00

Now, in case we join this above-given table using self join, then it will be as follows:




Then this would produce the result as follows:

C2 Rimona 1500.00
C2 Wendy 1500.00
C1 Christina 2000.00
C2 Christina 1500.00
C3 Christina 2000.00
C6 Christina 4500.00
C1 Hinata 2000.00
C2 Hinata 1500.00
C3 Hinata 2000.00
C4 Hinata 6500.00
C6 Hinata 4500.00
C1 Kendall 2000.00
C2 Kendall 1500.00
C3 Kendall 2000.00
C1 Miranda 2000.00
C2 Miranda 1500.00
C3 Miranda 2000.00
C4 Miranda 6500.00
C5 Miranda 8500.00
C6 Miranda 4500.00

Uses of Self Join in SQL

We use joins in SQL to stitch the available database back together. This way, it becomes easy to read the data and then use it properly. Self join is very important in SQL in case we want to query ordered data when we compare the available rows in the very same table.

Thus, the SQL query for self join would be applied in any table to that table itself as if there are two separate tables with temporary names as an alias for the available table in the SQL statement.



What is self join in SQL?

A self join in SQL helps us in joining data given in the same table. In simpler words, a self join would join a table with itself. Thus, the records taken from the given table are matched and compared to other records from the very same table in the case of self join in SQL.


Why do we need joins in SQL?

We use joins in SQL to stitch the available database back together. This way, it becomes easy to read the data and then use it properly.


Why use self join in SQL?

Self join is very important in SQL in case we want to query ordered data when we compare the available rows in the very same table. Thus, the SQL query for self join would be applied in any table to that table itself as if there are two separate tables with temporary names as an alias for the available table in the SQL statement.


What is the difference between union and join?

Difference between JOIN and UNION in SQL:
JOIN – JOIN helps in the combination of data from multiple tables on the basis of a matched condition present between them. It would combine the available data into new columns.
UNION – SQL helps in the combination of the result-set of multiple SELECT statements. It would combine the available data into new rows.

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