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SISD is a single-processor machine that is capable of executing a single instruction. It is a classification of computer architectures, and it operates on just a single data stream.

In this article, we will dive deeper into SISD Computer Architecture according to the GATE Syllabus for (Computer Science Engineering) CSE. Keep reading ahead to learn more.

Table of Contents

What is SISD?

SISD is an abbreviation for Single Instruction and Single Data Stream. It depicts the structure of a single computer, which includes a control unit, a memory unit, and a processor unit. This system may or may not consist of internal parallel processing capability; therefore, instructions are performed sequentially.

Like classic Von-Neumann computers, most conventional computers utilise the SISD architecture. Multiple functional units or pipeline processing can be used to achieve parallel processing in this case.



Here, PE = Processing Element, CU = Control Unit, and M = Memory

The Control Unit decodes the instructions before sending them to the processing units for their execution. The Data Stream is a bi-directional data stream that moves between the memory and processors.


Minicomputers, workstations, and computers from previous generations.

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