UGC NET English Syllabus 2023: Unit-wise Important Topics

The UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) English Syllabus is a comprehensive and essential guide for candidates aspiring to qualify in the English subject category of the UGC NET exam. UGC NET is a prestigious national-level examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC) to determine the eligibility of candidates for Assistant Professorship and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in various universities and colleges across India.

In this article, we have discussed all details of the UGC NET English Syllabus for all aspirants. Check unit-wise chapters thoroughly to score well in the exam. The detailed study of the UGC NET English Literature Syllabus will guide you to plan strategically for the exam.

Read in detail about the University Grant Commission on the linked page.

There are 10 units in UGC NET English paper II syllabus, which covers different topics and subtopics. As per the latest official updates, NTA has released UGC NET English Syllabus on its official website. Read the below section to know more and list of topics for the English syllabus for the upcoming UGC NET 2023, including the experts recommended preparation tips.

UGC NET English Syllabus 2023

UGC prescribes UGC NET English Syllabus every year for aspirants who wish to appear in UGC NET. It consists of two papers: Papers II and II. Considering the latest updates, Paper I is common for all the students appearing for the exam. There are 50 questions (2 marks each), asked from General chapters of teaching and research aptitude. But paper II of the UGC NET English Syllabus is completely subject-specific. A total of 100 questions are asked (2 marks each) from several chapters of the English language including Drama, Poetry, Cultural Studies, Non-Fictions stories, etc.

The UGC NET 2023 exam will be administered online in CBT mode and last a total of three hours. There will be no break between the two UGC NET English Syllabus papers, which will both be administered over the same 3-hour period. For more information on the key components of the UGC NET English Syllabus 2023, see the section below.

UGC NET English Syllabus Highlights

The below table overviews some important points on the English syllabus of UGC NET.

Components Details
Question Types MCQs
Number of Papers and marks 2 papers

  • Paper 1 – 100 marks
  • Paper 1 – 200 marks
Duration 3 hours
Marking Scheme
  • +2 for every correct answer
  • No marks for unattempted questions
  • No negative marking for incorrect answer

Aspirants of UGC NET should go through the details on UGC NET apply online on the linked page.

UGC NET English Syllabus: Unit-Wise Topic List

There are 10 units in paper II English Syllabus of UGC NET. Here is the list:

  • Unit 1: Drama
  • Unit 2: Poetry
  • Unit 3: Fiction, Short Story
  • Unit 4: Non-Fictional Prose
  • Unit 5: English Language: Basic Concepts, Pedagogy, Theories: English in Use
  • Unit 6: English in India: History, Evolution, and Futures
  • Unit 7: Cultural Studies
  • Unit 8: Literacy Criticism
  • Unit 9: Literary Theory post World War II
  • Unit 10: Research Methods and Materials in English

☛ Important Note: The first four units are tested through reading comprehension, as the exam conducting authority wants to evaluate candidates critical reading, thinking, and writing skills

UGC NET English Exam Pattern

The UGC NET English exam follows a well-defined pattern that consists of two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. Each paper assesses candidates on different aspects of their knowledge and aptitude. Understanding the exam pattern and marking scheme of UGC NET English is crucial for aspirants to devise an effective preparation strategy. By familiarizing themselves with the structure of the exam and focusing on the required areas of knowledge, candidates can enhance their chances of success in this highly competitive examination.

Let’s delve into the details of the UGC NET English Exam Pattern:

UGC NET English Exam Pattern
Paper Number of Questions Marks Duration
Paper 1 50 100 1 hour
Paper 2 100 200 2 hours
Total 150 300 3 hours

Read in detail about the UGC NET Exam Pattern on the linked page for assistance.

UGC NET English Marking Scheme:

  • Each question carries 2 marks.
  • There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • Paper 1 focuses on teaching aptitude and general awareness.
  • Paper 2 assesses subject-specific knowledge in English literature.
  • The combined weightage of Paper 1 and Paper 2 is 300 marks.
  • The total duration of the UGC NET English exam is 3 hours (180 minutes).

UGC NET English: Minimum Qualifying Marks

  • To qualify for the UGC NET English exam, candidates must score the minimum qualifying marks set by the UGC.
  • For the English Paper, General category candidates need to obtain at least 40% marks, while ST/SC/PWD/OBC candidates require a minimum of 35% marks.

How to Prepare UGC NET English Syllabus 2023?

Examining the syllabus and exam should be the first priority in preparing UGC NET English paper II syllabus. Additionally, plan a comprehensive and result-oriented preparation plan to cover all the units and its associated chapters on time so that you can get enough time for revisions.

  • Practice, practice and practice to get a good grip on each of the units of the UGC NET English Syllabus.
  • Solve chapter-wise questions after finishing each of the chapters.
  • Solve past years’ papers to understand the exam difficulty level and depth of the questions.
  • Fixed a time for daily revisions for the chapters you have studied already
  • Divide time equally for all the units and keep track of your preparation

Candidates are advised to read the UGC NET Eligibility Criteria for UGC National Eligibility Test carefully because if you don’t fulfill the criteria even after qualifying for the exam, your candidature may be canceled and the NTA NET certificate will not be issued.

Tips to Score Well in English Paper II Syllabus for UGC NET?

Smart work is needed to complete UGC NET English Syllabus on time. The candidates may know that the syllabus is huge, so if they do not follow the smart approach, then it is not possible for them to complete all the units.

  • Do not be stressed out about your preparation. Be cool and happy always, as mental refreshment is required to study well.
  • Complete the easier topics for you first
  • Chapter-wise revision is really important, and you must do it without any forget.

Download the UGC NET E Certificate from the article in the linked page.

UGC NET English: Recommended Books

Preparing for the UGC NET English Literature exam requires access to the right study materials. To aid aspiring candidates in their exam preparation, we have compiled a list of highly recommended books that align with the latest UGC NET syllabus. These books have been widely acknowledged by professionals and have proven to be valuable resources for exam success. Let’s explore some of the best UGC NET English literature books:

S.No. Book Title Highlights
1 UGC NET English Literature by Arihant Experts
  • Comprehensive study material
  • Ample practice exercises
  • Detailed chapters according to the latest syllabus
  • Objective questions and previous years’ papers for self-analysis and practice
2 Trueman’s UGC NET English Literature by B.P. Panigrahi
  • Covers all chapters as per the latest pattern and syllabus
  • Multiple sections for better understanding
  • Previous year papers for analysis and revision
3 Objective Approach to English Literature for NET, JRF by K.K. Narayan, Pandey Om Prakash, Rahmat Jahan Ivan K. Masih, and Neeraj Kumar
  • Complete coverage of UGC NET English syllabus
  • Detailed study material on British literature, American literature, Commonwealth Literature, and Indian Writing in English
  • Multiple-choice questions for practice
4 English for UGC-NET/JRF by R.S. Malik
  • Objective questions covering most of the syllabus
  • Explanatory notes for each topic
  • Questions from different eras of English Literature
5 An Objective & Analytical Approach to English Literature for UGC NET-JRF by Dr. Vivekanand Jha
  • Comprehensive coverage as per UGC syllabus
  • Theory and practice questions
  • Previous years’ papers with answer keys for better preparation

UGC NET English Exam: Mistakes To Avoid!!

When preparing for the UGC NET English syllabus, it’s important to be aware of common mistakes that candidates often make. By avoiding these pitfalls, you can enhance your preparation and improve your chances of success. Here are some key mistakes to avoid:

  • Incomplete Coverage: One common mistake is not covering the entire syllabus. The UGC NET English syllabus is vast and covers various periods, genres, and literary theories. Ensure that you have a comprehensive study plan that covers all the prescribed topics.
  • Neglecting Prior Year Papers: Many candidates overlook the importance of practicing with previous year papers. These papers give you an idea of the exam pattern, types of questions, and help you identify important topics. Make sure to incorporate solving past papers into your study routine.
  • Lack of Focus on Literature Analysis: UGC NET English requires a deep understanding of literary texts and critical analysis. Avoid the mistake of solely relying on summaries or General Knowledge. Develop your analytical skills by engaging with the texts, exploring different interpretations, and studying literary theories.
  • Insufficient Time Management: Poor time management can be detrimental to your preparation. Avoid procrastination and create a study schedule that allocates enough time to cover all the topics. Set realistic goals, prioritize important areas, and maintain a consistent study routine.
  • Ignoring Current Affairs and Contemporary Literature: UGC NET English syllabus also includes questions on current literary trends, contemporary authors, and socio-political contexts. Stay updated with recent developments in the literary world, including new releases, notable awards, and emerging literary theories.
  • Overlooking Revision: Many candidates focus solely on learning new concepts and fail to revise the previously covered material. Regular revision is crucial for reinforcing your understanding and retaining information. Allocate time for regular revision sessions to consolidate your knowledge.

Neglecting Mock Tests and Practice: Another common mistake is not taking enough mock tests or practice quizzes. Mock tests simulate the actual exam environment and help you evaluate your performance. Practice with sample questions, mock tests, and time yourself to improve your speed and accuracy.

For the Best preparation strategy for competitive exams, candidates can visit the linked article and get detailed study material and preparation tips to excel in the examination.

Frequently Asked Questions on UGC NET English Syllabus


What is UGC NET English Syllabus?

Ten units comprise the NTA UGC NET English Syllabus, each with numerous topics and subtopics. Theatre, poetry, fiction, short tales, nonfictional prose, cultural studies, literary criticism, history, evolution, and the future of English in India are some of the primary subjects taught in the English Syllabus.

Is there any negative marking in UGC NET English paper II syllabus?

No, there are no negative markings in UGC NET English paper II syllabus. The candidates will only get 2 marks for every correct answer they have answered.

Is UGC NET English Syllabus for papers I and II different?

Yes, UGC NET English Syllabus for papers I and II. Paper I is the same for all the candidates who appeared for other subjects also, But paper II is subject-specific and the questions will be asked from the below-mentioned topics:
Fiction, Short Story
Non-Fictional Prose.

What is included in the UGC NET English syllabus Unit 5?

In unit 5 of the UGC NET English Syllabus includes the English Language: Basic Concepts, Pedagogy, Theories: English in Use.

Is the English paper II syllabus for UGC NET 2023 tough?

UGC NET 2023 is a competitive exam and the English syllabus is huge but not so tough. The candidates need to invest daily 8-9 hours to study UGC NET English Syllabus 2023.

Can I prepare UGC NET English Syllabus in 2 months?

If you want to start from scratch, then it is not possible to prepare UGC NET English Syllabus in 2 months. But for revisions of the fully prepared syllabus, 2 months are enough. Try to give your study daily 7-8 hours to score a good rank in the exam.