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How is industrial production measured?

Industrial production is measured in an index based on a reference period that expresses change in the volume of production output. Industrial production refers to the output of various industrial sectors like manufacturing, mining, electricity, air conditioning, steam, gas, etc. You can read about the Index of Industrial Production [UPSC Economy Notes] in the given link.

Further readings:

  1. Merger of NSSO and Central Statistical Office (CSO) to form National Statistical Office (NSO)
  2. Core Sectors of the Indian Economy

Related Links

Consumer Price Index (CPI) – Indian Economy Notes

Wholesale Price Index (WPI) – Indian Economy Notes

Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) – Calculation, Role in Economy

Producer Price Index (PPI): Definition, PPI versus CPI and WPI

Gini Coefficient – Definition, Calculation and India’s Rankings

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) earlier known as DIPP

Previous Years Economics Mains Questions for UPSC General Studies Paper – 3

Download Indian Economy Notes For UPSC Examination


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