Many IIT aspirants have this pressing question of how to crack JEE exams. To answer this, if you are a student in 11th grade or 12th grade with a genuine intention of cracking the JEE Mains exam, it is assured that there is a good chance that you will crack it. But before you start jumping with joy, you need to understand how can you crack JEE Mains?

What Is JEE? How To Crack JEE Main?

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a national level exam conducted by the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) to get admission into prestigious institutes like IIT, ISM, NIT etc. Since 2014, the exam has been conducted in 2 parts – JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. Students who clear the cut-off marks for the JEE Mains are eligible to write the JEE Advanced. The marks scored in 12th CBSE Board Exams are also considered for JEE Mains rank, will be the basis for admission into NITs and the JEE Advanced for IITs and other top technical schools.

Yes, I Can Crack The JEE Main Exam!

JEE Mains is not a hard nut to crack! With proper preparation and the right guidance, you can qualify for writing the JEE Advanced. Since its inception, every year an average of 12-14 Lakh students write the JEE Mains, out of these the number of students clearing the cut-off marks (usually 100-120 depending on what CBSE declares each year) is usually around 1-1.5 Lakh.

Why is that only 1/10 of the students clear 1/3 the total marks in JEE? Maybe it is about

  • The quality of secondary education
  • Dedicated preparation for JEE
  • Right guidance
  • Proper study materials
  • Smart study techniques
  • Perseverance

This doesn’t mean that IIT aspirants who do have these resources cannot crack JEE Mains! Even if you go to a decent school, have access to the internet, and are genuinely trying to get tips on cracking the JEE mains; you can put that minimum effort required to score decently.

With that, you have already scored that minimum 1/3 marks and beat 90% of your competitors.

Getting Into NIT

Now, if you want to guarantee your admission into an NIT, then simply cracking the JEE Mains is not enough. You’ll have to work a little harder than you have worked so far for other school-level exams. If you want to score high enough to get whatever branch you want in a top IIT or NIT; you will have to work extremely hard because the higher you are trying to score, the tougher the competition you will face. If you take the top 5 NIT’s, they have around 10,000 engineering seats. That means you need to beat 98% of the students writing the exam. So how do you get there? Here are some things you can do to make sure you’ll get one of those seats.

How Do I Get A High Rank?

  • Learn and understand concepts thoroughly

Make sure you don’t mug up. Everything you learn in Physics, Chemistry and Math in 11th and 12th has some solid concept behind it. All of these are explained very clearly in all the videos on Byju’s learning app.

Learn these thoroughly and you have already completed 50% of the work.

  • Practice MCQ questions
If you understand concepts, the next thing you need is, improve speed. You need to learn to solve a problem in under a minute and this can only be learnt through practice. Set time every day to practice MCQ’s. Spend 2 hours doing 60 questions on any one chapter subject. The 2 hours will include both solving the questions and going through solutions to see where you went wrong. On a weekend or holiday, try doing 120 questions. If you have just started with 11th grade, making this a routine for the next 2 years can strengthen your preparation for JEE. By doing this ritually, you would solve 500-1000 problems from each chapter across a wide range of difficulty levels and will guarantee you an NIT seat, or maybe even one in an IIT. Maintaining this routine is very hard and dedication is the key. By sticking to this routine you are going to be easily better off than 99.5% of the students writing JEE.
  • Timing of JEE
The Board exam and entrance exams are always placed between a window of a few weeks. You will hardly get time for dedicated JEE Preparation. There is not enough time to revise the entire syllabus. Make sure that you stick to the above-mentioned routine and by doing so, you would have already mastered most of the topics. In this duration, do not read a new concept or start with a new study plan. Give ample time to practice MCQ’s; try to challenge yourself to solve 500 questions a day, from various subjects. If you are able to successfully solve them, then the chances of getting an NIT seat is guaranteed!
  • Schedule
Maintain a schedule that is, 2-year schedule to cover every unit through your routine MCQ practice. You have about 60-70 units to practice in 730 days. Write down on a piece of paper what units you will cover on which week of which month. Remember that all you need for practising a unit is 2 hours of your day. Try practising the same unit once every 2 months. This will ensure you remain sharp on all topics.
  • Further practice

In addition to routine MCQ practice, try practising more objective questions. Maybe do 2 or 3 sessions of your routine practice on the same day if you get a holiday. This extra intense practice is what is needed to score high ranks on not only for JEE Mains but also for JEE Advanced.

  • Distractions
You have hundreds of distractions at your disposal – TV, internet, social media, YouTube, movies etc. All these are things that can easily distract you from your goal. It might be very hard to avoid them. But you have to avoid most of them to some extent as you will have plenty of time to give in to these distractions; once you’re in college or even better when you have a cool job with lots of money flowing into your bank account every month.
Sacrifice these for 2 years and you can enjoy them better in years to come. It is very hard to avoid all of them completely but make use it rarely. Follow the routine, and treat yourself to entertainment only during free time.
  • Solve Mock Tests

There are lots of books that provide mock JEE exams. After you have completed 11th and 12th syllabus, give yourself 3 hours on a weekend and write a mock JEE exam. Make sure to set a timer for 3 hours as it helps to manage time and know your speed & accuracy.

Giving mock tests are a great way to evaluate your

  1. Level of understanding
  2. Time Management skills
  3. Accuracy and speed
  4. Interpretation of questions
  5. Confidence level

By assessing this, you can know which areas need improvement and also the concepts/topics you need to focus on.

Byju’s learning app provides sample tests and mock tests which will help you to familiarize with the pattern and prepare for JEE 2016.

Visit our website to know the JEE syllabus, JEE preparation tips and important books to refer for JEE.

Call us on 9535001065 to talk to our experts from IIT to clear your doubts regarding JEE 2016


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