Solving NTSE question papers is one of the best ways to practice and prepare effectively for the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) exam. It is a prestigious examination conducted by NCERT across India to provide scholarships to successful candidates. The NTSE Exam is conducted in two phases i.e. Phase 1 and Phase 2. Only those students who qualify for the Stage 1 examination will be allowed to appear for the Stage 2 examination. So students must prepare effectively with dedication if they want to crack the examination.
To help students boost their exam preparation, NTSE question papers are provided here and they can be downloaded instantly in the form of PDFs. The question papers have been designed in such a way that students can get a clear idea of the exam pattern and the type of questions asked in the NTSE exam. The NTSE exam question papers will further help students to get familiar with the type and difficulty level of questions as well as the pattern of the exam.
Students planning to appear for the NTSE exam are advised to solve previous years NTSE question papers as part of their study exercise on a regular basis. This will also help candidates to develop their speed and accuracy as well as better time management skills.
NTSE Exam Stage 1 Question Papers PDFs
Students can download and solve the NTSE exam question paper from the links mentioned in the table below.
NTSE Exam Stage 2 Question Paper PDF
NTSE 2020-21 Stage 2 Question Paper with Solutions and Answer Key |
Advantages Of Solving NTSE Question Paper
Some advantages of solving the NTSE Question Paper are;
- A better understanding of theories and principals.
- Helps candidates develop better time management skills.
- Helps in a revision of the concepts.
- Improves general knowledge.
- Strengthens the basic and fundamental knowledge.
- Facilitates the development of stronger reasoning and critical thinking skills.