For example,
Carbocation Rearrangement
Carbocation rearrangement occurs when the alcohols are converted into several carbocations, and this phenomenon is termed carbocation rearrangement. In simple, carbocation comprises +ve charge in a molecule that is connected to 3 more groups and holds a sextet. Carbocation rearrangement can be carried out to a reaction that does not involve alcohol. There are 2 types of carbocation rearrangements, namely alkyl and hybrid shift.
Alkyl Shift
An alkyl shift occurs when a carbocation does not contain a hydrogen atom that is present on the adjacent carbon atom that is readily available for rearrangement. There are some cases where a hybrid shift does not lead to a stable carbocation. For instance, consider the following case:
When the alkyl group migrates, there would be a chance for the formation of tertiary carbocation that is more stable.
When a carbon attached to four carbons is present adjacent to secondary carbocation, then there would be a possibility for the occurrence of an alkyl shift.
This alkyl occurs when a carbon-carbon bond donates a pair of electrons to the empty p-orbital on the carbocation. It can occur potentially at any time when carbocation is formed.