1530 in Words

The number name of 1530 is One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty. Converting the numbers into words becomes easy if you understand the place values of the numbers. Hence, learning the numeral system is essential to write the number 1530 in words. This article will help you learn the spelling of 1530 in English words with a complete explanation.

  • 1530 in Words: One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty
  • One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty in Numerical Form: 1530

1530 in English Words

Number in word 1530

How to Write 1530 in Words?

The following are the place values of the number 1530. Go through the below table and write the number 1530 in words.

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
1 5 3 0

The expanded form of 1530 is as follows:

= 1 × Thousand + 5 × Hundred + 3 × Ten + 0 × One

= 1 × 1000 + 5 × 100 + 3 × 10

= 1000 + 500 + 30

= 1530

= one thousand five hundred thirty

Hence, 1530 in words is One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty.

About the Number 1530

1530 in words – One thousand five hundred thirty

Is 1530 an odd number? – No

Is 1530 an even number? – Yes

Is 1530 a perfect square number? – No

Is 1530 a perfect cube number? – No

Is 1530 a prime number? – No

Is 1530 a composite number? – Yes

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Frequently Asked Questions on 1530 in Words


Write 1530 in words.

1530 in words is One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty.


Simplify 1500 + 30, and express it in words.

On simplifying 1500 + 30, we get 1530. Hence, 1530 in words is one thousand five hundred thirty.


Is 1530 an even number?

Yes, 1530 is an even number, as it is divisible by 2.


What is the place value of 3 in the number 1530?

The place value of 3 in the number 1530 is 3 х 10 = 30.

What is the face value of 3 in the number 1530?

The face value of 3 in the number 1530 is 3 only.

Find the difference between the place value and face value of 5 in the number 1,530.

The place value of 5 is 5х100 = 500 and the face value of 5 is 5
Therefore, difference = 500-5
= 495


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