980 in words can be written as Nine Hundred Eighty. You will learn the uses of numbers in words concept in our day to day activities. For example, if you buy 3 kgs of jaggery for Rs. 980 at the provision store, then you can say that “I bought 3 kgs of jaggery for Ninety Hundred Eighty Rupees at the provision store”. Here numbers in words article is discussed in the most simplest way to improve the conceptual knowledge among the students. So, 980 can be read as “Nine Hundred Eighty” in English.
980 in words |
Nine Hundred Eighty |
Nine Hundred Eighty in Numbers |
980 |
980 in English Words
How to Write 980 in Words?
Students will learn in brief regarding the place value chart of 980 below. There are three digits in 980 and the place value for each digit is shown here.
Hundreds |
Tens |
Ones |
9 |
8 |
0 |
The expanded form of 980 is given here:
9 x Hundred + 8 × Ten + 0 × One
= 9 x 100 + 8 x 10
= 900 + 80
= 980
= Nine Hundred Eighty
Hence, 980 in words is written as Nine Hundred Eighty.
Also, read: place value
About the Number 980
980 is a natural number that precedes 981 and succeeds 979.
980 in words – Nine Hundred Eighty
Is 980 an odd number? – No
Is 980 an even number? – Yes
Is 980 a perfect square number? – No
Is 980 a perfect cube number? – No
Is 980 a prime number? – No
Is 980 a composite number? – Yes