Cube Root 1 to 20

The list of cube roots from 1 to 20 numbers is provided here. Students can use these values to solve mathematical problems based on cubic roots. The major application we can find for these values is when we learn about the volume of geometrical solid shapes, which is measured in cubic units. For example, the volume of the sphere is equal to 4/3 πr3. Now, if we need to find the radius of the sphere, then here we have to use the cube root formula, to find the actual value of radius.

In a similar manner, there are many calculations based on different concepts related to cube root, such as in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, mensuration, etc. Let us learn here the values of the cube root of all the natural numbers from 1 to 20. Also, read Cube Root Of Numbers.

Cube Root Value (1 to 20)

Number Cube Root (3√)
1 1.000
2 1.260
3 1.442
4 1.587
5 1.710
6 1.817
7 1.913
8 2.000
9 2.080
10 2.154
11 2.224
12 2.289
13 2.351
14 2.410
15 2.466
16 2.520
17 2.571
18 2.621
19 2.668
20 2.714

Also, check:

Cubes of 1 to 20

Also, find here the cubes of numbers from 1 to 20 to find the solution for mathematical questions.

Number Cube(n3)
1 1
2 8
3 27
4 64
5 125
6 216
7 343
8 512
9 729
10 1000
11 1331
12 1728
13 2197
14 2744
15 3375
16 4096
17 4913
18 5832
19 6859
20 8000

Solved Examples

Q.1: Solve ∛3+33.

Solution: ∛3+33

The value of:

∛3 = 1.442

33 = 27


∛3+33 = 1.442 + 27 = 28.442

Q.2: Find the value of ∛20-2+(53).

Solution: ∛20 = 2.714

53 = 125


∛20-2+(53) = 2.714 – 2 + 125

= 125.714

Q.3: Find the value of ∛8/4.

Solution: ∛8 = 2


∛8/4 = 2/4 = ½ = 0.5

Q.4: Solve 10-∛6.


∛6 = 1.817


10-∛6 = 10 – 1.817 = 8.183

Video Lesson

Quiz on Cube Root 1 to 20


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