Cube Root of 50

The cube root of 50 is a natural number whose cube is 50. 50 has a cube root of around 3.684. Calculating an integer’s cube root is the inverse of cubing an integer. The square root and cube root are represented by the radical symbols “√” and “∛”, respectively. The cube root of 50 is represented exponentially by 501/3. Let’s look at several approaches to finding the cube root of 50.

Cube Root of 50
  • In decimal form: 3.684
  • In radical form: ∛50
Cube of 50 125000

Also, read:How to Find Cube Root?

What is the Cube Root of 50?

The cube root of 50 is the number whose cube is 50. The cube of an integer is perfect cube. Since 50 is not the cube of any integer, it is not a perfect cube number. 50 is a composite number as well. This article extensively describes how to compute the cube root of 50.

Cube Root of 50

Also, try out:Cube Root Calculator.

How to Find the Cube Root of 50?

Let’s now determine the 50’s cube root. In this article, we will explore it from a variety of perspectives.

Finding Cube Root of 50 by Prime Factorisation Method

The cube root of an integer may be calculated using the prime factorisation method, as shown in the list of steps below.

  • Get the prime factors of the number.
  • Make a group of three for each prime factor in the prime factorisation.
  • Only one occurrence of the factor is picked for each group, and then all of the prime factors are multiplied. A factor cannot be further simplified if it cannot be broken into three.

Let’s determine the cube root of 50 using the prime factorisation method.

As is well known, 2 × 5 × 5 is the prime factorisation of 50.

Hence, the cube root of 50 is:

= ∛(2 × 5 × 5) = ∛50

Since ∛50 cannot be decreased further, 50’s cube root is also an irrational number.

Finding Cube Root of 50 by Approximation Method

We may calculate the cube root of any integer using Halley’s approach, sometimes referred to as an approximation method. Using Halley’s method, the cube root of 50 can be determined as illustrated below:

Halley’s Cube Root Formula:

\(\begin{array}{l}\sqrt[3]{a}\approx x\left [ \frac{x^{3}+2a}{2x^{3}+a} \right ]\end{array} \)


The required cube root calculation is symbolized by the letter “a”.

To get the estimated value, take the cube root of the closest perfect cube, “x”.

In this case, a = 50

By substituting x = 3, we will get 33 = 27 < 50

Using Halley’s formula, the cube root of 50 is calculated, and the result is fairly comparable.

∛50 = 3[(33 + 2 × 50)/(2 × 33 + 50)]

∛50 = 3[(27 + 100)/(54 + 50)]

∛50 = 3[127/104]

∛50 = 3[1.22] ≈ 3.66, which is really quite close to the cube root of 50.

The cube root of 50 is calculated using Halley’s formula to be 3.66.

Video Lesson on Finding Cube Roots

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Solved Examples on Cube Root of 50

Example 1:

Calculate the value of x, if ∛50x = 5 (3.684).


The provided equation is ∛50x = 5 (3.684).

As we know, the cube root of 50 is about equivalent to 3.684.

In the preceding equation, if ∛50 = 3.684 is replaced, we get

3.684 x = 5 (3.684)

⇒ x = [5(3.684)] /3.684

⇒ x = 5.

Thus, x is equal to 5.

Example 2:

Determine the smallest integer that can be multiplied by 50 to get a perfect cube number


The prime factorisation of 50 is 2 × 5 × 5, as is well known.

Each element must be grouped by three to calculate the cube root of 50. Therefore, we need to multiply 50 by 2 × 2 × 5.

Therefore, we obtain,

50 × 2 × 2 × 5 = 50 × 20 = 1000

Therefore, 1000 is a perfect cube number.

Thus, the cube root of 1000 is ∛(2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 5 × 5 ) = 2 × 5 = 10

Therefore, 20 is the lowest number that may be multiplied by 50 to get the perfect cube number.

Example 3:

Determine the side lengths of a cube having a volume of 50 cm3.


Use “a” as the cube’s side length.

Therefore, the cube’s volume is equal to a3 = 50 cm3.

We obtain a = ∛50 = 3.684 cm (approx), by taking the cube roots on two sides of the equation.

Thus, “a” has a value of around 3.684.

Frequently Asked Questions on Cube Root of 50


If you take the cube root of 50, what do you get?

The cube root of 50 is about 3.684.


Is 50 a perfect cube?

No. 50 cannot be represented as the cube of any integer; hence it is not a perfect cube number.


What does the cube root of -50 equal?

The cube root of -50 is equal to -3.684.
It means, ∛-50 = -∛50 = -3.684.


What does five plus the cube root of 50 equal?

The value of the five plus cube root of 50 is 8.684.
As we know, ∛50 = 3.684.
Hence, 5 + 3.684 = 8.684.


In the simplest radical form, what is the cube root of 50?

The simplest radical, ∛50, denotes the cube root of 50.