Difference Between Percentage and Percentile

The key difference between percentage and percentile is the percentage is a mathematical value presented out of 100 and percentile is the per cent of values below a specific value. The percentage is a means of comparing quantities. A percentile is used to display position or rank.

In our daily life, both the Mathematical terms are used in various situations to obtain solutions for specific problems. It is essential to learn the percentile and percentage formula to solve the problems. In this article, let us discuss the concepts percentage and percentile, and the major difference between percentile and percentage in detail.

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Percentage and Percentile Definition

Percentage: The percentage is a Mathematical quantity which is written out of a total of 100. The symbol used to represent the percentage is “%”. This symbol is used to represent the denominator value is 100. The percentage can be written in the form of fractions or decimals. For the comparison process, a percentage is the standard way to differentiate the quantities. It gives information about the ratio and proportions.

Percentage Example: If a student scores 55 marks in their maths exams out of a total score of 100, then he or she has scored 55% aggregate in their maths exams. 55% is the percentage scored by the student in the math exam.

Percentile: A percentile is defined as the percentage of values found under the specific values. Percentiles are mostly used in the ranking system. It is based on dividing up the normal distribution of the values. Percentile is represented as xth, where x is a number.

Percentile Example: Assume that a student has 80th percentile on a test of 150. By this, we can understand the term percentile better and know that by scoring 150 in the exam, a student has beaten 80% of the remaining class in the exam.

What is the Difference between Percentage and Percentile?

Go through the differences between percentage and percentile, to clarify the concepts.

Difference between Percentage and Percentile
Percentage Percentile
A mathematical unit of measurement that displays the answer out of a total of 100. Percentile is a value from which the values of percentages below it are found.
The unit of percentage is denoted by % The unit of percentile is denoted by xth, for example, 30th,
It does not have quartiles. It has quartiles.
A percentage can be written in the form of ratios. A percentile cannot be written in the form of ratios.
Percentages can also be written in the form of decimals. Percentiles, on the other hand, cannot be written in the form of decimals.
Percentages are not based on the rank of numbers. A percentile is based on the rank of numbers.
It is based on one case. It is based on the comparison of one case with several cases.
It does not rely on the normal distribution. Percentile relies on the normal distribution.

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


How the percentage is different from percentile?

A percentage denotes a mathematical value taken out of 100, such as marks obtained in the exam by a student is 80%. The percentile will show rank-ordering out of others in a sample. For example, he has scored 40% more than other students.

Is the percentage and percentile both are same?

No, percentage and percentile both are different.

What is the formula for percentage and percentile?

The formula for percentage is:
Percentage = (Numerator/Denominator) x 100
The formula for percentile is:
Percentile Rank Formula, R = P/100 (N+1)
where R is the rank order of score, P is the percentile rank and N is the number of a score in a distribution.

How percentage and percentile are denoted?

The percentage is denoted by symbol ‘%’ (example: 70%) and the percentile is denoted by ‘th'(example: 25th).
Quiz on Percentage Vs Percentile


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