Estimation in percentages

Estimation in percentages: In this topic, we will learn how to estimate percentages for values in decimals by approximating them. We can round off the decimal numbers to get the estimated percentage. For example, if we have to find 10% of 506.78, then we can round off 506.78 as 510 and then find the 10% of it.

10% of 510 = 10/100 x 510 = 51

Hence, by the above example, we can quickly get the estimated percentage of decimal value, without using a calculator.

In mathematics, a percentage is a value that can be represented as a fraction of 100. The word per cent means per 100. It is denoted by the symbol “%”. Also, find how to calculate the percentage at BYJU’S, with simple tricks.

We can also find the discount percentage on the basis of discount amount and marked price of the product.

Discount % = (Discount/Marked Price) x 100%

Let us check more examples here to estimate the percentage.

How to Estimate the Percentage?

Before we learn to estimate the percentage of any value, let us see some tricks with which we can find the required percentages quickly.

10% 1/10
12.5% 1/8
20% 1/5
25% 1/4
50% 1/2

Following the above tricks, we can find the percentage of values easily. Now let us work on some examples.

More Percentage Formulas

  • Percent Increase (% Increase) = (Increase in Value/Original Value) x 100
  • Percent Decrease (% Decrease) = (Decrease in Value/Original Value) x 100
  • Loss percentage = (Loss × 100) / Cost Price
  • Profit percentage = (Profit x 100)/Cost Price

Solved Examples

Q.1: You purchase a T-shirt in a shop for Rs.577.80 and the shopkeeper gives a discount of 15%. How much is estimated to be paid?

Solution: Given, the bill of Tshirt = Rs.577.80

Rounding off the bill we get = Rs.580

We have to find a 15% discount first. So let us divide it as 10% and 5%.

10% of 580 = 10/100 x 580 = 58

5% of 580 = Half of the amount 58 = ½ x 58 = 29

Now adding half amount to 10% of 580 = 58 +29 = 87

Thus, 15% of 580 = 87

Therefore, the estimated amount to be paid = 580 – 87 = Rs.495 approximately

Q.2: What is the estimated amount if we add 20% more to the actual amount of Rs.907?

Solution: Given, the actual amount is Rs. 907

Let us round off the amount of Rs.907 to 1000.

If we added 20% to Rs.1000, then the new amount should be:

20% of 1000 + 1000


20% of 1000 = ⅕ x 1000 = 200 [Using trick, 20% = ⅕]

Thus, the estimated amount = Rs.1000 + 200 = Rs.1200 approximately.

Percentage Related Articles

Practice Questions

  1. Find the estimation of 780 for 12%.
  2. What is the estimated value obtained if 5% is reduced from 449.50?
  3. What is the estimated 50% of 398?
  4. Find the estimated 25% of 1999.

Frequently Asked Questions on Estimation in Percentages


How to estimate the percentage of a value?

To estimate the percentage of a value, round off to the nearest whole number and then find the percentage. This way we will get the approximate value.


What is the 10% of 795?

If we round off 795 to the nearest whole number, then we have 800.10% of 800 will 80.


What is the estimated sum of 30% of 45.9 and 60% of 90?

45.9 can be rounded off to 50.
30% of 50 = 30/100 x 50 = 15
60% of 90 = 60/100 x 90 = 54
Estimated sum = 15 + 54 = 69


What is the percentage formula?

To calculate the percentage, we need to divide the given value by the total value and then multiply the resultant to 100.
Percentage formula = (Value/Total value)×100 %


How to calculate the 5% of total value?

Simply find the 10% of the total value and divide the resultant value by 2. Thus, we will get 5% of total value.


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