Factors of 215

The factors of 215 are the numbers or integers that divide the original number, evenly. There is a total of four factors of 215, they are 1, 5, 43 and 215. The smallest factor is 1 and the greatest factor is 215, itself.

If two factors are multiplied together to generate 215, they become the pair factors of 215. Hence, the pair factors are (1, 215) and (5, 43). The prime factors of 215 are 5 × 43. If we add all the factors of 215, the sum will be 264.

In this article, we will learn how to find factors, prime factors and pair factors of 215, step by step. This is possible using prime factorization and division methods.  Click here to get the factors of 1 to 100.

What are the Factors of 215?

The factors of 215 are the numbers that divide 215 exactly without leaving a remainder. As the number 215 is a composite number, it has more factors other than 1 and 215. We can say 215 is an odd composite number. Hence, the factors of 215 are 1, 5, 43 and 215. Similarly, the negative factors of 215 are -1, -5, -43 and -215.

Factors of 215

How to Find Factors of 215?

To find the factors of 215, there are two methods:

  • Division method
  • Prime factorization method

Factors of 215 by Division Method

We know that the factors of a number can be found using two different methods such as the division method and the prime factorization method. Now, let us first start with the division method.

In the division method, the number 215 is divided by different consecutive integers. If the integer divides 215 completely and leaves the remainder 0, then the integers are the factors of 215. Go through the following procedure to find the factors of 215.

  • 215/1 = 215 (Factor is 1 and remainder is 0)
  • 215/5 = 43 (Factor is 5 and remainder is 0)
  • 215/43 = 5 (Factor is 43 and remainder is 0)
  • 215/215 = 1 (Factor is 215 and remainder is 0)

If we divide 215 by any numbers other than 1, 5, 43 and 215, it leaves the remainder of some value. Hence, the factors of 215 are 1, 5, 43 and 215.

Prime Factorization of 215

In the prime factorization of 215, the number 215 is written as the product of its prime factors. Go through the following steps to find the prime factors of 215.

  • Let us take the number 215 and its pair factors as (1, 215).
  • We know that 215 is an odd composite number and it can be split further into its prime factors. 
  • Thus, 215 is written as the product of 5 and 43. 
  • Now, both the numbers 5 and 43 are prime factors and it cannot be further factored. 
  • Thus, 215 is written as the product of 1, 5 and 43. (i.e.) 215 = 1× 5 × 43
  • Hence, the prime factorization of 215 is 5×43 or 51 × 431.

It is possible to find the exact number of factors of a number 215 with the help of prime factorization. The prime factor of the 215 is 5 x 43. The exponents in the prime factorization are 1, and 1. Add the number 1 with the exponents and multiply it. (1+1)(1+1) =2 x 2= 4. Therefore, the number 215 has 4 factors.

Video Lesson on Prime Factors

Pair Factors of 215

To find the pair factors of 215, multiply the two numbers in a pair to get the original number as 215. The pair factors of 215 can be positive or negative, but they cannot be decimal or fraction. Thus, the positive and negative pair factors of 215 are given below:

Positive Pair Factors of 215:

Positive Factors of 215

Positive Pair Factors of 215

1 × 215

(1, 215)

5 × 43

(5, 43)

Negative Pair Factors of 215:

Negative Factors of 215

Negative Pair Factors of 215

-1 × -215

(-1, -215)

-5 × -43

(-5, -43)

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Solved Examples on Factors of 215

Example 1:

Find the common factors of 215 and 214.


The factors of 215 are 1, 5, 43 and 215.

The factors of 214 are 1, 2, 107 and 214.

Hence, the common factor of 215 and 214 is 1.

Example 2:

Find the common factors of 215 and 216.


Factors of 215 = 1, 5, 43 and 215.

Factors of 216 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 27, 36, 54, 72, 108 and 216.

The common factor of 215 and 216 is 1 only.

Example 3:

Find the common factors of 215 and 43.


The factors of 215 are 1, 5, 43 and 215.

The factors of 43 are 1 and 43.

Therefore, the common factors of 215 and 43 are 1 and 43.

Example 4:

What are the common factors of 215 and 210?

Solution: Let us write the factors of both numbers.

The factors of 215 are 1, 5, 43 and 215.

The factors of 210 1,2,3,5,6,7,10,14,15,21,30,35,42,70,105 and 210

Hence, the common factors of 215 and 210 are 1 and 5.

Practise Questions

  1. Is 215 divisible by 10, evenly?
  2. What is the product of 215 and 10?
  3. What are the factors of a number, that is obtained when we multiply 215 by 2?

Frequently Asked Questions on Factors of 215


What are the factors of 215?

The factors of 215 are 1, 4, 53 and 215.


What is the prime factorization of 215?

The prime factorization of 215 is 5×43 or 51 × 431.


What is the sum of factors of 215?

The sum of all factors of 215 is 264 (1 + 5 + 43 + 215 = 264).

What are the positive and negative pair factors of 215?

The positive pair factors of 215 are (1, 215) and (5, 43)
The negative pair factors of 215 are (-1, -215) and (-5, -43)


Mention the prime factors of 215.

The prime factors of 215 are 5 and 43.


Is 20 a factor of 215?

No, 20 is not a factor of 215. If 20 divides 215, it leaves a remainder, and hence 20 is not a factor of 215.

Quiz on Factors of 215


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