LCM of 2601 and 2616 is 2268072.The LeastLowest Common multiple often referred to as LCM is the smallest number that can be divided by a given set of 2 or more numbers whose division is complete without remainders. Consider the example for finding the LCM of 2601 and 2616. The answer is 2268072. 2268072 is divisible by both 2601 and 2616. Even 22680720 is divisible by 2601 and 2616, however it is not the LCM for 2601 and 2616. The smaller number than 22680720 is 2268072 which is divisible by both 2601 and 2616. Hence 2268072 is the Least Common Multiple for 2601 and 2616. You can refer to LCM with Examples for better understanding.
What is LCM of 2601 and 2616
The Least Common Multiple or Lowest Common Multiple of 2601 and 2616 is 2268072.
How to Find LCM of 2601 and 2616?
LCM of 2601 and 2616 can be determined using three methods:
- Prime Factorisation
- Division method
- Listing the multiples
LCM of 2601 and 2616 Using Prime Factorisation Method
In the Prime Factorisation method, the numbers 2601 and 2616 can be expressed as;
2601 = 3 × 3 × 17 × 17
2616 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 109
3 is the common factor and the reset are uncommon factors of 2601 and 2616. The product of common and not common prime factors, forms the LCM.
LCM (2601, 2616) = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 17 × 17 × 109 = 2268072
LCM of 2601 and 2616 Using Division Method
Dividing 2601 and 2616 with the smallest prime number and following the division with other prime divisors in increasing order till the division leaves 1 as the remainder. Product of these prime divisors will be the LCM. This is the division method, represented mathematically.
3 |
2601 |
2616 |
2 |
867 |
872 |
2 |
867 |
436 |
2 |
867 |
218 |
3 |
867 |
109 |
17 |
289 |
109 |
17 |
17 |
109 |
109 |
1 |
109 |
× |
1 |
1 |
LCM (2601, 2616) = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 17 × 17 × 109 = 2268072
LCM of 2601 and 2616 Using Listing the Multiples
By listing all the multiples of given numbers, we can identify the first/smallest/least common multiple, which is the LCM. Below is the list of multiples for 2601 and 2616
Multiples of 2601
2601, 5202, 7803, 10404, …., 28611, 31212, 33813, 36414, 39015…. 2268072….
Multiples of 2616
2616, 5232, 7848, 10464, … 20928, 23544, 26160…….2268072…
LCM (2601, 2616) = 2268072
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Solved Examples
What is the smallest number that is divisible by both 2601 and 2616?
Answer: 2268072 is the smallest number that is divisible by both 2601 and 2616.
What is the LCM of 3, 2601 and 2616?
Answer: The LCM of 3, 2601 and 2616 is 2268072 as 3 is the factor of 2601 and 2616.