LCM of 72 126 and 168

LCM of 72, 126 and 168 is 504. We can find the least common multiple of 72, 126 and 168 by using the methods such as prime factorisation, division method and list of multiples. Professional teachers suggest students make use of the article Least Common Multiple (LCM) while practising the problems based on the LCM. This also helps them to enhance their problem-solving and time management skills which are vital to score good marks in exams. Let us learn how to calculate the least common multiple of 72, 126 and 168 in a detailed manner here.

What is LCM of 72, 126 and 168?

The Least Common Multiple of 72, 126 and 168 is 504.

LCM of 72 126 and 168

How to Find LCM of 72, 126 and 168?

LCM of 72, 126 and 168 can be determined using three methods

  • Prime Factorisation
  • Division method
  • Listing the Multiples

LCM of 72, 126 and 168 Using Prime Factorisation Method

In the prime factorisation method, the given natural numbers are expressed as the product of prime factors. The least common multiple will be the product of all prime factors with the highest degree.

72 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

126 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 7

168 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 7

LCM (72, 126, 168) = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 = 504

LCM of 72, 126 and 168 Using Division Method

In the division method, to find the least common multiple of 72, 126 and 168, we divide the numbers 72, 126 and 168 by their prime factors until we get the result as one in the complete row. The product of these divisors gives the least common multiple of 72, 126 and 168.

2 72 126 168
2 36 63 84
2 18 63 42
3 9 63 21
3 3 21 7
7 1 7 7
x 1 1 1

No further division can be done.

Hence, LCM (72, 126, 168) = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 = 504

LCM of 72, 126 and 168 Using Listing the Multiples

In this method, we list the multiples of 72, 126 and 168 to determine the least common multiple among them. Let us glance at the multiples of 72, 126 and 168 from the table given below.

Multiples of 72 Multiples of 126 Multiples of 168
72 126 168
144 252 336
216 378 504
288 504 672
360 630 840
432 756 1008
504 882 1176

LCM (72, 126, 168) = 504

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Solved Example

Question: What is the smallest number that is divisible by 72, 126, 168 exactly?

Solution: The smallest number that is divisible by 72, 126, 168 exactly is their LCM. We know that the LCM of 72, 126 and 168 is 504. Therefore the smallest number that is divisible by 72, 126, 168 exactly is 504.

Frequently Asked Questions on LCM of 72, 126 and 168


What is the LCM of 72, 126 and 168?

The LCM of 72, 126 and 168 is 504.

Is the LCM of 72, 126 and 168 the same as the HCF of 72, 126 and 168?

No. The LCM of 72, 126 and 168 is 504 and the HCF of 72, 126 and 168 is 6.

Name the methods used to find the least common multiple of 72, 126 and 168?

The methods used to find the least common multiple of 72, 126 and 168 are:

Prime Factorisation

Division method

Listing the Multiples


Calculate the LCM of 72, 126 and 168 with the help of the prime factorisation method.

In this method, to determine the LCM, we express the given numbers as the product of prime factors

72 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

126 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 7

168 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 7

LCM (72, 126, 168) = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 = 504


600 is the LCM of 72, 126 and 168. True or False.

False. The LCM of 72, 126 and 168 is 504.


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