Square Root of 1296

The square root of 1296 is 36. If the given number is a multiple obtained by the product of the same number then the multiple is a perfect square. For example 1296 can be obtained by the product of the same number which is 36. ie 36 × 36 or – 36 × – 36 is 1296. Hence 1296 is a perfect square number and 36 its square root. There are many ways to find the square root of any given number, namely prime factorisation method, long division method, simplified method and repeated subtraction method. The square root of a number is represented as √1296 = 土36.

You can find the 1 to 50 Square and Square root List for reference.

Note the Following:

The Square root of 1296 = √1296 where √ = radical, and 1296 is the radicand.

Exponential Form of Square root of 1296 = 12961/2

Solution for √1296 = 36

Square root of 1296 is Irrational = False

What is the Square root of 1296?

The square root of 1296 is 36. In other words, the square of 36 is 1296. i.e 36 × 36 is 1296. Also – 36 × – 36 is 1296.

√1296 = 36

How to Find the Square root of 1296?

There are three methods to find the Square root of 1296

  • Prime Factorisation method
  • Long Division method
  • Repeated Subtraction method

Square root of 1296 by Prime Factorisation Method

The Square root of a number can be calculated only if the number is a perfect square number. 1296 is a perfect square number and it can be divided continuously by a prime number. Let us start with 3 as 1296 is not divisible by 2. Continue the division until the remainder becomes 1. The same prime divisors are grouped into 2 ( as this is square root) and the groups are multiplied to get the square root.

The given number, 1296 will be expressed as;

3 1296
3 432
3 144
3 48
2 16
2 8
2 4
2 2
× 1

1296 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2

Grouping into 2 with same divisors:

Group 1 = 3 × 3, considering only 3

Group 2 = 3 × 3, considering only 3

Group 3 = 2 × 2, considering only 2

Group 3 = 2 × 2, considering only 2

Therefore the square root of 1296 = 3 × 3 × 2 × 2 = 36.

Square root of 1296 by Long Division Method

To understand the long division method, follow the below mentioned detailed steps;

Step 1:  Grouping the given number into pairs

Given number is 1296, grouping it as 12 and 96.

12 96

Step 2: Consider the first number, which is 12.

Let us find a square number that divides 12


1 × 1 = 1

2 × 2 = 4

3 × 3 = 9

4 × 4 = 16

5 × 5 = 25

The square number that is to be considered for dividing 12 will be 3 x 3.

Step 3: Dividing 12 by 3

Step 4: Continue the division using the next number 96

The first number to be used as the next divisor is 3 + 3 = 6 (Divisor of first division + quotient of first division)

Now considering a two digit number starting with 6 to divide 396 will be

61 × 1 = 61

62 × 2 = 124

63 × 3 = 189

64 × 4 = 256

65 × 5 = 325

66 × 6 = 396

Continue the division as

Square Root of 1296

Since the Division is complete with remainder as zero, the quotient becomes the square root of the given number.

Therefore the Square root of 1296 is 36.

Square root of 1296 by Repeated Subtraction Method.

For finding the square root of 1296 using the repeated subtraction method, 1296 is first subtracted by 1, the resultant by 3, the next resultant by 5 and so on. The subtraction is stopped when the resultant becomes zero. The step at which the result becomes zero, forms the square root of 1296. Let us find the result in the table below.

For the given number 1296, steps for repeated subtraction are

Step 1 1296 1 = 1295
Step 2 1295 3 = 1292
Step 3 1292 5 = 1287
Step 4 1287 7 = 1280
Step 5 1280 9 = 1271
Step 6 1271 11 = 1260
Step 7 1260 13 = 1247
Step 8 1247 15 = 1232
Step 9 1232 17 = 1215
Step 10 1215 19 = 1196
Step 11 1196 21 = 1175
Step 12 1175 23 = 1152
Step 13 1152 25 = 1127
Step 14 1127 27 = 1100
Step 15 1100 29 = 1071
Step 16 1071 31 = 1040
Step 17 1040 33 = 1007
Step 18 1007 35 = 972
Step 19 972 37 = 935
Step 20 935 39 = 896
Step 21 896 41 = 855
Step 22 855 43 = 812
Step 23 812 45 = 767
Step 24 767 47 = 720
Step 25 720 49 = 671
Step 26 671 51 = 620
Step 27 620 53 = 567
Step 28 567 55 = 512
Step 29 512 57 = 455
Step 30 455 59 = 396
Step 31 396 61 = 335
Step 32 335 63 = 272
Step 33 272 65 = 207
Step 34 207 67 = 140
Step 35 140 69 = 71
Step 36 71 71 = 0

Since the result of zero is obtained in the 36th Step, the square root of 1296 is 36.

Video Lessons

Visualising square roots

Finding Square roots

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Solved Examples

1. What is the square root of 12?

12 does not have a perfect square root. The approximate value of square root of 12 is 3.46.

2. What is the square root of 100?

10 is the square root of 100.

Frequently Asked Questions on Square root of 1296


What is the Square root of 1296?

The Square root of 1296 is 36.

Does 9 have a square root?

Yes. 3 is the square root of 9.

What are the factors of 1296?

The factors of 1296 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 27, 36, 48, 54, 72, 81, 108, 144, 162, 216, 324, 432, 648, 1296.

What is 36 square?

36 square is 1296.

36 is a perfect square number. True or False?

True. 36 is a perfect square number as 6 square is 36.


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