NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 2 Bringing Up Kari

Here, we have all the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 2 Bringing Up Kari, covering all the questions of the English supplementary reader The Alien Hand. The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 are designed as per the standards of the board. All these solutions have been designed by our subject-matter experts, in order to provide the students with the most accurate solutions to all the questions of the book.

“Bringing up Kari” sounds more like a child being raised, doesn’t it? But here, Kari is a baby elephant. The author has beautifully written about his journey of raising Kari. He explains how to train an elephant on various things like when to sit, when to eat, when to walk, when to walk slow, when to walk fast, etc.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary Chapter 2 Bringing Up Kari

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NCERT Solutions Class 7 English – Chapter 2

Bringing Up Kari


Question 1. The enclosure in which Kari lived had a thatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps. Examine the illustration of Kari’s pavilion on page 8 and say why it was built that way.

Answer: The enclosure in which Kari lived had a thatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps. It was built that way so as to make sure that it would not fall in if Kari bumped against the poles as he moved about.

Question 2. Did Kari enjoy his morning bath in the river? Give a reason for your answer.

Answer: Yes, Kari used to enjoy his morning bath in the river. He would lie down on the sand, and the author would rub his back with clean sand for an hour. Post that, he would stay in the water for a long time.

Question 3. Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time. Why?

Answer: The author would climb all varieties of trees to get the most delicate twigs for Kari. If a twig was deformed, an elephant would not even touch it. So, finding good twigs for Kari took a long time.

Question 4. Why did Kari push his friend into the stream?

Answer: Kari pushed his friend into the stream because there was another boy who was drowning in the river. Kari alone was not able to take the boy out of the water.

Question 5. Kari was like a baby. What are the main points of comparison?

Answer: The main points of comparison are:

  1. Good lessons had to be taught to him.
  2. Manner of eating, sitting, etc. had to be taught.
  3. He used to steal fruits from the dining table of the house.

Question 6. Kari helped himself to all the bananas in the house without anyone noticing it. How did he do it?

Answer: Kari helped himself to all the bananas in the house without anyone noticing it. He did so with the help of his long trunk. He would steal the bananas kept on the dining table through the window.

Question 7. Kari learnt the commands to sit and walk. What were the instructions for each command?

Answer: Kari learnt the commands to sit and walk. The word “Dhat” was used to make him sit. The word used to make him walk was “Mali”.

Question 8. What is “the master call”? Why is it the most important signal for an elephant to learn?

Answer: The master call is a strange howling, hissing sound. It sounds as if a snake and a tiger were fighting each other. This noise has to be made in the air. When an elephant listens to the master call, he uproots the trees and makes a passage through the jungle to the house.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary Chapter 2


Who is Kari as mentioned in Chapter 2 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary?

Kari is a five-month-old baby elephant who lives and grows up with his nine-year-old friend and keeper. Kari doesn’t eat much, just about sixteen kilograms of delicious twigs a day. He is playful and sensitive.

From when did Kari start liking ripe bananas, and what happened later in Chapter 2 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary?

One day, somebody fed Kari some bananas and very soon, he developed a great love for ripe bananas. Later, he began stealing bananas from large plates of fruit on a table near a window in the house’s dining room. Finally, one day he was caught red-handed stealing bananas and from then on, he never stole another thing from the dining room. Also, if anybody gave him any fruit, he always squealed as if to thank them.

Mention one thing that students can learn about an elephant from Chapter 2 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary.

In Chapter 2 of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Supplementary, students would realise that an elephant is willing to be punished for having done wrong, but if it is punished without any reason, then it will remember that and pay us back in your own coin. Also, an elephant takes about five years to learn things.


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