Class Aves is a group of birds under superclass Tetrapoda of Vertebrata. Presence of feathers is a characteristic property of all the birds. They are warm-blooded animals having a four-chambered heart. They contain bony endoskeleton, which is provided with pneumatic bones to assist in flight. They are oviparous and respire by lungs. Connected air sacs help in respiration.
1. A common characteristic of kangaroo, parrot and platypus
(a) Oviparity
(b) Homeothermy
(c) Functional post-anal tail
(d) Jaws without teeth
Answer: (b)
2. It is not a living fossil
(a) Sphenodon
(b) Peripatus
(c) Archaeopteryx
(d) King crab
Answer: (c)
3. Which of the following animals are uricotelic?
(a) Land reptiles, birds and insects
(b) Fish and protozoans
(c) Frogs and toads
(d) Birds and mammals
Answer: (a)
4. The body part, which is absent in birds
(a) Forelimb
(b) Hindlimb
(c) Pectoral girdle
(d) Pelvic girdle
Answer: (a)
5. The long hollow bones and connected air sacs are the characteristic features of
(a) Reptilia
(b) Aves
(c) Mammals
(d) all the vertebrates
Answer: (b)
6. Which of the following bones form the wishbone of birds?
(a) Hindlimbs
(b) Clavicles
(c) Skull
(d) Pelvic girdle
Answer: (b)
7. The soundbox of birds is also known as
(a) synsacrum
(b) pygostyle
(c) syrinx
(d) larynx
Answer: (c)
8. Ostrich, penguin and kiwi are
(a) Four-toed birds
(b) Migratory birds
(c) Running birds
(d) Flightless birds
Answer: (d)
9. Which of the following contains pneumatic bones?
(a) Whale
(b) Shark
(c) Pigeon
(d) Rana
Answer: (c)
10. Birds and mammals do not share this property
(a) Respiration by lungs
(b) Ossified endoskeleton
(c) Homeothermous
(d) Viviparity
Answer: (d)
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