The cell cycle is a series of events taking place inside the cells to give rise to daughter cells through the division of the cytoplasm and nucleus of the cell. The cell goes through 4 major stages which is commonly known as the cell cycle phases. The 4 phases of cell cycle are – the G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase and the M phase.
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1. The division of cytoplasm is known as
(a) Mitosis
(b) Synapsis
(c) Cytokinesis
(d) Karyokinesis
Answer: (c)
2. The stage in which chromosomes align on the equator of spindle fiber is
(a) Telophase
(b) Anaphase
(c) Metaphase
(d) Prophase
Answer: (c)
3. The best stage at which the total number of chromosomes can be counted in any species is
(a) Telophase
(b) Metaphase
(c) Late anaphase
(d) Late prophase
Answer: (b)
4. Balbiani rings are found in
(a) Heterosome
(b) Lampbrush chromosome
(c) Autosome
(d) Polytene chromsome
Answer: (d)
5. This structure tends to vanish always during meiosis and mitosis
(a) Plastids
(b) Plasma membrane
(c) Nucleolus and nuclear membrane
(d) All of these
Answer: (c)
6. Centrosome duplication takes place in this phase
(a) S phase
(b) G1 phase
(c) G0 phase
(d) M phase
Answer: (a)
7. The __________ checkpoint is also known as restriction point
(a) G1 checkpoint
(b) G2 checkpoint
(c) M checkpoint
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)
8. The characteristic of this stage of mitosis is the separation of the sister chromatids
(a) Telophase
(b) Metaphase
(c) Prometaphase
(d) Anaphase
Answer: (d)
9. This condition is necessary for a cell to qualify through the G2 checkpoint
(a) Cell should be of a size sufficient enough
(b) Complete and accurate DNA replication
(c) Sufficient stockpile of nucleotides
(d) Complete attachment of mitotic spindle fibers to kinetochores
Answer: (b)
10. Individual chromosomes become distinct through a light microscope during this mitotic stage
(a) Prometaphase
(b) Prophase
(c) Anaphase
(d) Metaphase
Answer: (b)
Also Chek: Biology MCQs for NEET
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