Squamous Epithelial Cells

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Epithelial Cells

Epithelial tissue

What is epithelial cell?

The epithelium in a continuous, thin and protective layer of cells that are densely packed with some intercellular matrix. These cells are present on the surfaces of the body serving as a protective barrier. The three main shapes of epithelial cell are columnar, squamous, and cuboidal.

Function of Epithelial cells

Epithelial cells safeguard the body. These are tightly packed acting as a barrier between the exterior and the interior. Additionally, as they are able to stretch they induce movements, maintain homeostasis and some of these cells are receptors collecting signals. They are found lining various body structures, helping in absorbing and transporting nutrients to be used up. Some other epithelial cells synthesize and release enzymes in the stomach. Furthermore, some of these release hormones into the blood vessels, are involved in breast milk production, mucus secretion in the nose and more. They perform a range of functions depending on the location where they are found and shape.

Types of Epithelial cells

Majorly, epithelial cells can be categorized into the following –

  • Squamous epithelial cells
  • Columnar epithelial cells
  • Cuboidal epithelial cells

In this article, we learn briefly about Squamous Epithelial cells, its functions, location and structure.

What Are Squamous Epithelial Cells?

Squamous epithelial cells are large, flattened cells filled with cytoplasm possessing a small round nucleus at the centre. They are flat and have an irregularly round shape. The term β€œsquamous” is derived from the comparison of the cells to the fish’s scales. These cells are typically found lining the surfaces requiring a smooth flow of fluid as seen in the blood vessels. They are also found lining the areas requiring a very thin surface for molecules enabling passage such as air sacs in the lungs. Generally, the width of these cells is greater than their height.

Squamous Epithelial Cells – Location

In the respiratory system, the Simple Squamous epithelial cells are found in the lungs and are a part of the circulatory system by the lining they render to the capillaries. Their presence in the alveolar epithelium enables simple passive diffusion. Stratified squamous epithelial cells are found lining the mouth, skin and the vagina. Specialized squamous epithelium forms the lining of the body cavities, blood vessels and the pericardium.

Squamous Epithelial Cells – Structure

These cells have the appearance of flat and thin plates which may appear polygonal from the top view. Cells are densely packed rendering a low-friction and smooth surface over which easy movement of fluids takes place. Nucleus takes its shape from the form of the cell helping to detect the type of epithelium. The nuclei are almost oval-shaped and flattened due to the structure and the shape of the cell.

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Squamous Epithelial Cells – Function

The outline of the cells is slightly irregular wherein the cells fit in forming a lining or covering. The simple epithelia (cells arranged in a single layer) promote the diffusion in tissues namely the regions of gas exchange in the lungs and the exchange of the wastes and nutrients at the blood capillaries.

Protection and Secretion

Renders a smooth, frictionless surface where secretion takes place. The epithelium is involved somewhat with protecting the underlying tissues against toxins, invasion of foreign particles and less intense physical trauma. Protection in extreme mechanically stressed regions cannot be rendered. Since there are no blood vessels in the epithelium tissues, bleeding due to abrasion is prevented.

Some of these cells produce mucus, acting as a lubricating agent against frictions. Secretion of biologically active molecules is brought about by the mesothelium of various parts.

Transportation and Absorption

Role of these cells is critical in the sites where transportation and absorption occurs. In the lining of cavities and vessels, these cells check the passage of particles into the tissues underneath. Across the surface of this tissue, various physiological processes such as diffusion, osmosis and filtration occur.

Processes such as oxygen diffusion, blood filtration in the Bowman’s capsule of the kidneys and diffusion of carbon dioxide between blood vessels and organs are carried out via these cells. The simple squamous epithelium forming the mesothelium promotes the active transport of fluid through pinocytosis alongside promoting the movement of viscera.

This was a brief description of Squamous epithelial cells, its structure, location and functions. Visit us at NEET BYJU’S for more interesting articles.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is epithelium?

Epithelial tissue or epithelium are tightly packed cells that act as a barrier between the exterior and interior. They can be classified into simple and compound epithelium based on the number of cell layers. The simple epithelium is a single layer of cells that line the ducts, body cavities and tubes. The compound epithelium has two or more cell layers and also have more protective functions.


What are elliptocytes?

Also referred to as ovalocytes, elliptocytes are unusually shaped elongated or oval RBCs. These elliptocyte are a rare sight in the normal smear of blood. They can be increased in iron deficiency anaemia. Elliptocytosis is a hereditary disorder of the RBCs.

What is simple squamous epithelium?

Simple squamous epithelium is a single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries. They line the walls of blood vessels and air sacs of lungs. Also, they involve in physiological processes like osmosis and diffusion.


What is stratified squamous epithelium?

Stratified squamous epithelium has layers of flattened epithelial cells arranged on a basal membrane. They protect from constant abrasions and form the outermost layer of the skin. Also, they are found in the innermost lining of esophagus, mouth and vagina.


Where is stratified squamous epithelium found?

Stratified squamous epithelium is found in the outer layer of the skin. Some areas where non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is found are conjunctiva of the eye, rectum, parts o f oesophagus, lining of the oral cavity, external female genitalia.

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Epithelial Tissue
Connective Tissue
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