Numerator and Denominator Calculator is a free online tool that displays the numerator and denominator of the given fraction. BYJU’S online numerator and denominator calculator tool makes the calculation faster, and it shows the value of numerator and denominator in a fraction of seconds.
How to Use the Numerator and Denominator Calculator?
The procedure to use the numerator and denominator calculator is as follows:
Step 1: Enter the fraction in the input field
Step 2: Now click the button “Solve” to get the result
Step 3: Finally, the value of numerator and denominator will be displayed in the output fields
What is Meant by Numerator and Denominator?
In maths, a fraction can be defined as the part of a whole thing. The general form of a fraction is written as p/q, where p is called the numerator and q is called the denominator. In other words, a fraction is defined as two numbers written vertically which are separated by a horizontal line such that the top number is called numerator, and the bottom number is called denominator. For example,