Boltzmann Constant

In thermodynamics, the Boltzmann constant is the physical constant relating the average kinetic energy of the gas particles and the temperature of the gas represented by k or kB. The value of the Boltzmann constant is measured using J/K or m2Kgs-2K-1, which is mostly observed in Boltzmann’s entropy formula and Planck’s law of Black body radiation.
Table of Contents:

Value Of Boltzmann Constant

The values of Boltzmann constant is obtained by dividing gas constant R by Avogadro’s number NA. The value of k is

Boltzmann constant, kB= 1.3806452 × 10-23J/K

Value Of k

The value of Boltzmann constant in eV is 8.6173303 × 10-5 eV/K

The value of the Boltzmann constant can be expressed in various units. The table given below consists of the value of k along with different units.

Value Of k Units
1.3806452 × 10-23 m2.Kg.s-2.K-1
8.6173303 × 10-5 eV.K-1
1.38064852 × 10-16 erg.K-1
2.0836612(12)×1010 Hz.K-1
3.2976230(30)×10-24 cal.K-1
0.69503476(63) cm-1.K-1
−228.5991678(40) dB.WK-1.Hz-1
4.10 pN.nm
0.0083144621(75) kJ.mol-1K-1
1.0 Atomic unit (u)

What is Boltzmann Constant?

The Boltzmann constant is introduced by Max Planck and named after Ludwig Boltzmann. It is a physical constant obtained by taking the ratio of two constants namely the gas constant and Avogadro number.

Boltzmann Constant Formula

The behaviour of the gases made understanding a step closer to Planck and Boltzmann by introducing constants. The value of Boltzmann constant is mathematically expressed as-

\(\begin{array}{l}k=\frac{R}{N_{A}}\end{array} \)


      • k is Boltzmann’s constant.
      • NA is Avogadro number.
      • R is the gas constant.


The Boltzmann Constant is used in diverse disciplines of physics. Some of them are listed below-

      • In classical statistical mechanics, Boltzmann Constant is used to express the equipartition of the energy of an atom.
      • It is used to express the Boltzmann factor.
      • It plays a major role in the statistical definition of entropy.
      • In semiconductor physics, it is used to express thermal voltage.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is the value of Boltzmann constant?

Boltzmann constant kB= 1.3806452 × 10-23 J/K.

How is Boltzmann constant represented?

Boltzmann constant is represented as k or kB.

What is the value of Boltzmann constant in eV?

The value of Boltzmann constant in eV is 8.6173303 * 10-5 eV/K

State true or false: The Boltzmann constant is measured using J/K.


Define Boltzmann constant?

Boltzmann constant is the physical constant relating the average kinetic energy of the gas particles and the temperature of the gas.
Physics Related Topics:

Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
Faraday Constant
Value Of Gravitational Constant
Rydberg Constant

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