One Dimensional Wave Equation Derivation

The wave equation in classical physics is considered to be an important second-order linear partial differential equation to describe the waves. The wave equation arises in fields like fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, and acoustics. D’Alembert discovered the one-dimensional wave equation in 1746, after ten years Euler discovered the three-dimensional wave equation.

Table of Contents:

One Dimensional Wave Equation Derivation

Consider the relation between Newton’s law that is applied to the volume ΔV in the direction x:

\(\begin{array}{l}\Delta F=\Delta m\frac{dv_{x}}{dt}\,\, \textup{(Newton’s law)}\end{array} \)


F: force acting on the element with volume ΔV

\(\begin{array}{l}\Delta F_{x}=-\Delta p_{x}\Delta S_{x}\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}=(\frac{\partial p}{\partial x}\Delta x+\frac{\partial p}{\partial x}dt)\Delta S_{x}\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}\simeq -\frac{\partial p}{\partial x}\Delta V\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}-\Delta V\frac{\partial p}{\partial x}=\Delta m\frac{dv_{x}}{dt}\,\, \textup{(as dt is small, it is not considered and ΔSx is in x direction so ΔyΔz and from Newton’s law)}\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}=\rho \Delta V\frac{dv_{x}}{dt}\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}\textup{From}\,\, \frac{dv_{x}}{dt} as \frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial t}\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{dv_{x}}{dt}=\frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial t}+v_{x}\frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial x}\approx \frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial x}\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}-\frac{\partial p}{\partial x}=\rho \frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial t}\end{array} \)
Above equation is known as the equation of motion.
\(\begin{array}{l}-\frac{\partial }{\partial x}(\frac{\partial p}{\partial x})=\frac{\partial }{\partial x}(\rho \frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial t})\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}=\rho \frac{\partial }{\partial t}(\frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial x})\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}-\frac{\partial^2 p}{\partial x^2}=\rho \frac{\partial }{\partial t}(-\frac{1}{K}\frac{\partial p}{\partial t}) \,\, \textup{(from conservation of mass)}\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{\partial p^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}-\frac{\rho }{K}\frac{\partial^2 p}{\partial t^2}=0\end{array} \)

K: bulk modulus

Rewriting the above equation:

\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{\partial p^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}-\frac{1}{c}^{2}\frac{\partial^2 p}{\partial t^2}=0\end{array} \)

c: velocity of sound given as

\(\begin{array}{l}c=\sqrt{\frac{K}{\rho }}\end{array} \)

Thus, above is the one-dimensional wave equation derivation.

To know more about other Physics related concepts, stay tuned with BYJU’S.

Related Physics articles:

Wave Derivation Of Schrodinger Wave Equation Equation of Motion Newton’s Law

This video below explains the general wave equation, phase, and the motion of particles of the wave

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


Who discovered the one-dimensional wave equation?

D’Alembert discovered the one-dimensional wave equation in the year 1746.


Who discovered the three-dimensional wave equation?

The three-dimensional wave equation was discovered by Euler.

What is the formula to find the velocity of sound (c)?

Velocity of sound is given by the formula :

\(\begin{array}{l}c=\sqrt{\frac{K}{\rho }}\end{array} \)


Can Waves exist in two or three dimensions?

Yes, waves can exist in two or three dimensions.

State true or false: a water wave is a two dimensional wave.


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