How to make a Volcano

What is a Volcano?

A volcano is an opening in the surface of the Earth that connects with a reservoir of molten rock and gases deep below. As the molten rock is pushed out of the volcano, usually under tremendous force and at a fearsome temperature, the distinctive conical mound of the volcano develops. By building a model Volcano, you can show how something works in the real world but doesn’t really test anything.


How to Make a Volcano?

The volcano model you are going to be making is merely a simulation of one of nature’s most impressive displays of violence and power and should pose relatively little danger to life. However, unless you’re prepared to see your carpet and clothes sacrificed in the name of science, it’s probably best to take the usual precautions. Given below is the detailed step by step procedure for the volcano model for a school project.


  • A large plastic soft drinks bottle (cap removed, contents consumed)
  • About ten drops of liquid detergent
  • Some warm water (never, ever use boiling water)
  • Lots of old newspaper and some wallpaper glue
  • Some baking soda (bicarbonate of soda)
  • Some red food colouring
  • A bottle of strong malt vinegar


  1. Tear the newspaper up into small strips, dip it in the glue and use the resulting papier mache to build up a volcano shape, starting at the base of the bottle and building up until you have created a cone. Leave to dry. ( Painting your Volcano is recommendable.)
  2. Half fill the bottle with warm water and add as much red food colouring.
  3. Add ten drops of liquid detergent.
  4. Pour in plenty of baking powder.
  5. Check that the area is clear and that anything of value (clothing, carpets, furniture) is protected.
  6. Pour in lots of vinegar and take cover as your volcano erupts.

Related Articles:

Volcano Eruption
Types of volcanoes
What are Volcanoes?

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is a volcano?

A volcano is a bulged out crack in the crust of a planet like the Earth. Through this rupture, molten lava, gases and volcanic ash are released from a magma chamber under the surface. On Earth, most volcanoes are found where tectonic plates converge or diverge.


How do volcanoes form?

Volcanoes are formed when tectonic plates move under one another. Generally, a massive plate moves under or subducts a denser continental plate. Molten rock, gases and ash are released from the opening created by the activity between the responsible tectonic plates. Hot molten magma solidifies as it cools, creating the typical shape of the volcano.


Define magma.

Magma is the semi-molten or molten natural material through which most igneous rocks are created. Magma is found under the Earth’s surface.


What are the main effects of an intense volcanic eruption?

Volcanic eruptions release hot and dangerous gases, lava, rock, and ash, that are very destructive. Such eruptions can cause earthquakes, mudslides, wildfires and floods. Many people have died from volcanic explosions. Acres of forests and vegetation have been destroyed by volcanic eruptions.


What is a tectonic plate?

A tectonic plate is a massive and huge block of solid rock, usually composed of both oceanic and continental lithosphere.


Which is the largest active volcano in the world?

Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano in the world.

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