Seasons Of The Year Questions

Our earth has four seasons: winter, spring, autumn and summer. The winter brings snow and ice to a specific location on the planet. The autumn season brings colder temperatures and frost, which is why it is also known as the fall season. In spring, trees begin to develop buds, and flowers start to bloom. Summer is the prevalent season for thunderstorms. The leading reason for the season is that the axis of spin of our earth is slightly tilted about its orbital plane. Whenever the earth’s axis points toward the sun, it is summer for the hemisphere. When the earth’s axis points away, then it is winter.

Read More : How to Make a Model of Seasons

Important Questions with Answers

  1. Which season has the longest night?
  2. Spring
  3. Summer
  4. Winter
  5. Autumn

Answer – c. Winter

Explanation – Winter has the longest night as compared to other seasons.

2. What are the four seasons?

The four seasons are summer, winter, spring and autumn or fall.

3. During which season the position of the sun is highest?

  1. Spring equinox
  2. Summer solstice
  3. Winter solstice
  4. Autumnal equinox

Answer: b. Summer solstice

Explanation: Whenever the earth tilts towards the sun, the sun goes to its highest point in the sky; this is called the summer solstice. So during the summer solstice, the position of the sun is highest.

4. Why does the season change?

On the earth, the availability of sunlight is different. The changes in the sunlight availability in a particular region on land affect the temperature of that region; this is why the season changes.

5. What if there were no seasons on the earth?

All seasons are there on earth due to axis tilt. If the earth had no axis tilt, there would be no season. This means there would be much less variation in climate at any particular place on the earth’s surface. The equator would always be the hottest place on earth instead of what we currently experience. The coldest places would always be the poles. The regions closer to the poles would still be colder, not due to the length of the day but mainly due to the angle of the sun’s rays as they fall on the surface. There would no longer be an arctic circle or an antarctic circle and no regions on earth where we would get light or dark for more than a day. All places would have 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night.

6. What is the solstice of summer?

Two solstices of summer happen in a year; at these moments, the sun’s path in the sky is farthest south in the southern hemisphere and farthest north in the northern hemisphere. This moment is called the summer solstice.

7. How do seasons impact the lives of humans?

The change of the seasons affects much of what humans do daily. Change in season brings a change in human life. It changes the habits and living conditions to survive. According to the seasons, all humans change their food and clothing habits. Weather can be a valuable and violent force for humans and their property.

8. When is the summer solstice observed in the Northern Hemisphere?

  1. March 20
  2. September 22
  3. June 21
  4. December 22

Answer – c. June 21

Explanations – The solstice leads to a day with the most extended or shortest days. The summer solstices in the Northern Hemisphere in a year are June 21.

9. What is an elliptical path?

An elliptical orbit is created when an entity revolves around another entity in an oval-shaped path. All planets orbit the sun in elliptical orbits. The moon orbits the earth in an elliptical orbit as well.

10. What is the difference between seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?

Seasons occur at different times in different places on the earth. The earth’s tilt does not alter as it spins around the Sun. However, the area of the planet that receives the most direct sunlight changes. The Northern Hemisphere has inclined away from the sun from September to March. Consequently, the northern half of the earth gets smaller light and heat from the sun. This results in autumn and winter. The Southern Hemisphere of the planet is slightly tilted towards the sun during the same months, from September to March. Thus, the southern half of the earth experiences spring and summer.

Practice Questions

  1. How can we make a model of the season?
  2. What is the equinox?
  3. What is the difference between solstice and equinox?
  4. Do seasons change all around the world?
  5. How many days are in a season?

Related Links

What if the Earth Stopped Spinning? To learn more about this, watch the video below.

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