What is Eclipse

There are a lot of phenomena taking place in the universe involving celestial objects like the sun, moon and planets. Some phenomena are visible to the human eye, and some cannot be seen. These are some of the remarkable events that take place in the galaxy – supernova, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, asteroids, comets, asteroids, Meteors and meteoroids. Now, let us understand what an eclipse is and the reason why it occurs.

An eclipse takes place when a moon or a planet gets in the way of the sun’s light. When the planet or moon blocks the path of the sun, an eclipse takes place. We can experience two types of eclipse, namely:

  • Solar Eclipse
  • Lunar Eclipse
Table of Contents

What is Solar Eclipse?

When the moon passes in front of the sun, resulting in the moon casting its shadow on the earth. In this eclipse, the shadow from the moon partially or entirely blocks the light from the sun. In a solar eclipse, the sun, moon and the earth are in alignment, and the moon casts two types of shadows toward the earth. These shadows are known as the umbra and penumbra. Umbra becomes smaller as it reaches the earth. Umbra is the dark centre of the moon’s shadow. The penumbra becomes larger as it reaches the earth’s surface.

The below picture helps to understand the solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse Image 1

There are four types of solar eclipse:

  • Total eclipse
  • Partial eclipse
  • Annular eclipse
  • Hybrid eclipse

Total eclipse: When the light from the sun is completely blocked, it is known as a total eclipse. Here, the dark silhouette of the moon entirely obscures the intensely bright light of the sun.

When the partial blocking of the sunlight takes place by the moon, it is referred to as a partial eclipse. Here, the sun and moon are not in line with the earth.

In an annular eclipse, the sun and moon are exactly in line with the earth. But, the size of the moon appears smaller than that of the sun. The sun appears as a bright ring surrounding the dark disk of the moon.

A hybrid eclipse is a rare phenomenon in which the surface of the earth appears as a total eclipse, whereas at other points it appears as annular.

Note: If a solar eclipse is seen directly through the bare eyes, then there are high chances of retina damage and losing vision.

What Is Lunar Eclipse?

In a lunar eclipse, the earth gets in the way of the sun’s light hitting the moon. This occurs during night-time. Owing to the influence of the earth’s atmosphere on the moon, the moon appears reddish in colour. The length and the type of a lunar eclipse rely on the moon’s proximity.

Witnessing a lunar eclipse with naked eyes is harmless as it does not cause any damage to the eyes.

The above picture helps to understand the lunar eclipse.

How To Watch Solar Eclipse

It’s always exciting to watch the clear sky, and it is even more exciting to view a celestial activity. Some phenomena that take place in the universe are not advisable to watch with naked eyes. The solar eclipse is one such phenomenon, which causes damage to the retina when seen directly.

Following are how the solar eclipse can be viewed in a safe way.

  • Use specially made solar filters, such as handheld solar viewers or eclipse glasses to see this spectacular process.
  • Before using the filters ensure it is not damaged or scratched.
  • Never use binoculars or a telescope to view.
  • Do not use a camera or any other optical devices to view the solar eclipse.
  • A big NO for sunglasses, solar-viewing glasses and home filters.
  • Finally, do not remove the filter while looking at the sun. Turn away from seeing the sun and remove the filter.

Watch this interesting video on Rare Annular Solar Eclipse and know more about this amazing phenomenon.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Eclipse


1. When does an eclipse occur?

When the planet or moon blocks the path of the sun, an eclipse takes place.


2. What are the types of eclipses?

Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.


3. Is it safe to view a solar eclipse with naked eyes?



4. What is a total solar eclipse?

When the light from the sun is completely blocked by the moon, it is known as a total eclipse.


5. What is umbra?

Umbra is the dark centre of the shadow of an object.

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