Solar Energy Questions

Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that converts the sun’s rays into heat, light, and electricity. The light can be converted directly into electricity, while heat can be used in industrial processes such as manufacturing.

Solar energy has many advantages over other types of sources, especially fossil fuels. It is sustainable and reliable because it can be generated in any location. It also doesn’t emit any harmful gases into the atmosphere like coal or natural gas plants do.

Read more: Solar energy

Important Solar Energy Questions with Answers

1. Which among the following is the cleanest form of energy ______

  1. Nuclear power
  2. Natural gas
  3. Fossil fuels
  4. Solar energy

Answer: d) Solar energy

Explanation: Solar energy is considered one of the cleanest forms of energy since it does not contribute to the pollution of the environment.

2. Choose the correct answer: Solar energy is a ________

  1. Renewable energy
  2. Non-renewable energy

Answer: a) Renewable energy

Explanation: Solar energy does not get exhausted, hence it is known as the renewable energy.

3. State true or false: Solar energy is one of the main sources in photosynthesis.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: Water, Co2, and sunlight are some of the main requirements of photosynthesis reactions.

4. The production of solar energy is less in ______ days

  1. Summer
  2. Winter

Answer: b) Winter

Explanation: In summer, as the sun’s radiation is high, maximum solar energy is harnessed. In winter, when the sun’s radiation is less, solar energy harnesses will be low.

5. List three disadvantages of solar energy.

  • Installation and the initial cost of a solar energy plant is high.
  • More space consumption.
  • Low production during cloudy and winter.

6. Trapping the sun’s energy without using any mechanical devices is known as ______

  1. Concentrating solar power
  2. Solar thermal energy
  3. Active solar energy
  4. Passive solar energy

Answer: d) Passive solar energy

Explanation: In Passive solar energy no mechanical devices are used to trap the radiation of the Sun.

7. Can solar energy be used for cooking purposes?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Solar energy is used to heat, cook and pasteurize food. Solar cookers are used for cooking food.

8. Which is the non-mechanical device that converts sunlight directly into electricity?

  1. Thermometer
  2. Voltameter
  3. Photovoltaic cell
  4. Barometer

Answer: c) Photovoltaic cell

Explanation: Photovoltaic cells convert the sun’s radiation into electric current.

9. Choose YES or No: Solar energy can be stored in batteries.

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Electrochemical batteries are the best example to show how solar energy can be stored in batteries.

10. Define solar thermal energy.

It is the energy obtained by converting solar energy into heat.

Watch The Below Video To Know Some Interesting Facts About The Sun

Practice Questions

  1. What is solar energy?
  2. What are the types of solar energy?
  3. List the uses of solar energy.
  4. What are the applications of solar energy?
  5. Define photovoltaic cells.

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Solar energy and photovoltaic cell