Uses of Vernier Calipers

Uses of Vernier Calipers

We know the core use of Vernier Calipers is for measuring the distance between two opposite sides of a surface. We can measure the internal and external dimensions and even the height of an object with accuracy. It can measure up to one-hundredth of a millimeter. In this article, we will learn about a few applications of vernier calipers.

Table of Contents

Applications of Vernier Calipers

Some applications of vernier calipers are listed below:

  • Science Labs
  • Medical Purposes
  • Steel Industries
  • Aerospace Industries
  • Educational Sector

Usage In Science Labs

One of the major uses of this instrument is in this field. It is used for studying the expansion of materials due to differing temperatures in order to find out their properties. It is used to measure various equipment in order to fit in properly. They are also helpful for measurements of regular and irregular shaped objects from the interior or the exterior.

Usage For Medical Purposes

The medical and surgical industry depends on this device extensively because the dimensions of instruments have been measured in order to be ideal for surgery. Accuracy and Precision matters here as every instrument is highly sensitive to even a little change and has to be measured precisely as they need to function in a very sophisticated space.

Usage In Steel Industries

While manufacturing or checking the dimensions of the by-product in order to ensure the desired standards are met, uses of vernier calipers come in highly recommended. It is used to measure the width and even the height of various objects. It helps in measuring holes, the width of pipes, the circumference of metal beads, etc

Usage In Aerospace Industries

The aviation industry works on pure precision, a small difference in change in the dimension of the object can be catastrophic. The use of this device here will ensure safety standards are met along with precision in the use of small parts which helps for flying.

Usage In Educational Sector

In schools and engineering institutions, the use of these instruments helps students to gauge various other instruments and objects used in physics or many other fields and also helps in rectifying zero error. Using this instrument to measure outside and inside dimensions of cylindrical shaped objects is one of the few experiments in modern physics.

These were some applications of vernier calipers. If you wish to find out more, download BYJU’S The Learning App.


Errors in Measurements – Gross Errors and Systematic Errors Significant Figures: Errors in Measurements


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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


List some applications of vernier callipers.

  • Science Labs
  • Medical Purposes
  • Steel Industries
  • Aerospace Industries
  • Educational Sector

How many types of errors are there in measurement?

There are three types of errors that are classified on the basis of the source they arise from; They are:
  • Gross Errors
  • Random Errors
  • Systematic Errors

What are observational errors?

These are the errors that arise due to an individual’s bias, lack of proper setting of the apparatus, or an individual’s carelessness in taking observations. The measurement errors also include wrong readings due to Parallax errors.

Define absolute errors.

The difference between the measured value of a quantity and its actual value gives the absolute error. It is the variation between the actual values and measured values. It is given by
Absolute error = |VA-VE|

What do you mean by accuracy?

The ability of an instrument to measure the accurate value is known as accuracy. In other words, it is the closeness of the measured value to a standard or true value. Accuracy is obtained by taking small readings.
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