Trapezoid formula

In Geometry, a trapezium is one of the types of a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides (called bases) and one pair of non-parallel sides (called legs). The area of a trapezoid is the number of unit squares that can be fit into the trapezoid. It is generally measured using square units, such as cm2, m2, and so on. In this article, we are going to learn the area of trapezoid formula and examples in detail.

Area of Trapezoid Formula

To find the area of trapezoid, it is enough to know the bases (parallel sides) of trapezoid and the perpendicular distance between them.

If “a” and “b” are the parallel sides of trapezoid and “h” is the perpendicular distance between, then the area of trapezoid formula is given by:

Area of Trapezoid = (½) [(a+b)h] square units.

Examples on Area of Trapezoid

Example 1: 

Find the area of trapezoid if the bases of the trapezoid are 6 cm and 7 cm and the perpendicular distance between them is 8 cm.



Let the parallel sides of a trapezium be “a” and “b”.

Hence, a = 6 cm and b = 7 cm.

Also, given that the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides is 8 cm.

(i.e) h = 8 cm.

We know that the area of trapezoid formula is:

A = (½) [(a+b)h] square units

Now, substitute the values in the formula, we get

A = (½) [(6+7)8] square units

A = (6+7)4 cm2

A = (13)4 cm2

A = 52 cm2

Therefore, the area of trapezoid is 52 cm2.

Example 2:

Find the height of the trapezoid, if the sum of the parallel sides is 25 m and the area is 75 m2.


Given: a+b = 25 m

Area, A = 75 m2.

To find: h

We know that the formula for area of trapezoid, A = (½) [(a+b)h] square units

Substituting the values in the formula, we get

75 = (½)[25h]

75/25 = (½)h

3 = h/2

h = 6.

Therefore, the height of the trapezoid is 6 m.

Stay tuned to BYJU’S – The Learning App to learn more formulas.

Frequently Asked Questions on Area of Trapezoid Formula


What is the area of trapezoid?

The area of trapezoid is the number of unit squares that fit into the trapezoid shape. In other words, the region occupied by the trapezoid shape is called the area of trapezoid. It is measured in square units.


What is the area of trapezoid formula?

If “a” and “b” are the parallel sides of trapezoid, and “h” is the perpendicular distance between them, then the area of trapezoid formula is (½) [(a+b)h] square units.


Can we find the area of the trapezoid, if the bases and height are known?

Yes, we can find the area of trapezoid if the bases and height are known.


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