In most of the competitive exams, the biggest hurdle that students fail to cross is the time limit given pressure that makes the students nervous and their performance is affected. So here we provide with the trick to help the students manage their time and Ace in their exams.

For candidates preparing for the IBPS clerk exam 2022, they must note that the best way to prepare for any exam is solving IBPS clerk free mock tests and IBPS clerk previous year question papers. This shall enable candidates to apprehend a systematic solving technique for the exam.

In IBPS Clerk Prelims exams, in total there are 100 questions divided topic wise as listed below:

Subject Questions Marks Time
Reasoning 35 35 Composite Time
of 1 Hour
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35
English Language 30 30
Total 100 100

To answer these questions students are provided with 60 minutes, out of which if we take 10 minutes out for reading the question we are left with just 50 minutes for answering the 100 questions, practically 30 seconds for each question. But attempting each question with the correct answer is not possible and therefore attempting all the questions shouldn’t be the aim for the candidate.

As per the latest exam pattern, each section is given a specific time duration to be solved.  Therefore, students cannot decide the amount of time they wish to spend on solving each section. In such cases, solving as many IBPS clerk free mock tests as possible will prove to be of great help.

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IBPS Clerk Exam Government Exams IBPS Clerk Syllabus
IBPS Notification Bank Exam Syllabus IBPS Clerk Result

Students must remember that every wrong answer is with a negative marking of 0.25 marks, so the whole point of the exam is to smartly utilize the time given to the answers that the students are sure of solving it correctly.

The best way to manage time in exam is by following this few simple steps.

1. The first section is English Language.

a. Start with Fill in the blanks and Cloze test.

b. Para-Jumble are easy and scoring, So they can be attempted as well

c. Spotting Error is a bit time consuming if you are not good with it, it can be left for the last to be reviewed.

d. For Comprehension part, first try to find the 50% of question which can be answered without reading the passage.

e. Vocabulary based questions like synonyms and antonyms of the bold words can be done without reading passage.

f. After that give a quick read to a passage, if you get the passage, Good. If not, don’t worry move on.

g. Don’t waste more than 12 minutes.

2. The second section is the Quantitative Aptitude.

a. In this section the moment you look at the question, by your own practice make out which one you can solve.

b. Take the question that you can solve and without wasting time start with it.

c. Do not emotionally attach yourself with a question, if you are not able to solve a question leave it and move on, because solving one hard question will fetch you the same marks as an easy one.

d. Forget the problems that you have dropped, there is no point stressing over it and wasting time, of other questions.

e. Do not guess in the questions of Quantitative aptitude.

f. Don’t waste more than 18 minutes.

3. The third part is Reasoning and it needs a relaxed mind.

a. After solving English language and Quantitative Aptitude, The brain is completely charged up for mixture of both, which is Reasoning.

b. It is a time consuming section and 20 minutes are to be given to this section.

c. Start solving the questions which are small and logical, like blood relation, coding decoding.

d. Then start with Sitting arrangement and other complicated problems.

After completing with this entire if you are left with some time, then try and attempt the dropped question of quant’s, then reasoning and at last English.

Hope the tricks mentioned above will help you in managing your time in exams of IBPS Clerk Prelims. Join Us at BYJU’S to give your preparation a new edge. 

Bank Exams 2022

Preparation Tips

While preparing for the IBPS clerk exam, candidates can consider the below-given tips as they may prove to be helpful for candidates:

  1. The most important thing that a candidate should make a note of is the syllabus and the exam pattern. Until a candidate is completely aware about the syllabus and the subjects that a part of the exam, the preparation cannot begin.
  2. Candidates must make sure that equal time is spent on the preparation of each section.
  3. Solving IBPS clerk free mock tests is the best advice for aspirants. Candidates can get these free mock tests online on different websites. For IBPS Clerk free mock tests by BYJU’S, candidates can visit the linked article.
  4. Figure out a systematic study plan before you start the preparation. This will help you emphasize on every subject and topic equally.

The above-mentioned tips shall prove to be useful for the candidates. Also, candidates must make a note of the fact that bank exams are all about time management and until the candidates solve maximum questions within a limited time, they shall not be able to qualify the exam.

Given below are a few other related links that may help candidates prepare for the IBPS Clerk Exam 2022:

IBPS Clerk Previous Year Question Paper Free Mock Tests [with solutions] Previous Year Question Papers [with solutions]


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