Topic: Welfare Schemes

Centre announces new PPP Policy to promote private investments in affordable housing


  • Central assistance of up to Rs.2.50 lakh per house now available for building houses on private lands
  • Policy aims at tapping private and public lands for affordable housing under 8 PPP options
  • The two PPP models for private investments in affordable housing on private lands include extending central assistance of about Rs.2.50 lakh per each house as interest subsidy on bank loans as upfront payment under the Credit Linked Subsidy Component (CLSS) component of Pradhan Mantri Awas yojana (Urban).
  • Under the second option, central assistance of Rs.1.50 lakh per each house to be built on private lands would be provided, in case the beneficiaries do not intend to take bank loans.
  • Shri Puri stated that eight PPP options, including six for promoting affordable housing with private investments using government lands have been evolved after extensive consultations with States, promoter bodies and other stakeholders.

The six models using government lands are:

DBT Model:

  • Private builders can design, build and transfer houses built on government lands to public authorities.
  • Government land is to be allocated based on the least cost of construction.
  • Payments to builders will be made by the public authority based on progress of project as per agreed upon milestones and buyers will pay to the Government.

Mixed  Development Cross –subsidized Housing :

  • Government land to be allotted based on number of affordable houses to be built on the plot offered to private builders, cross subsidizing this segment from revenues from high end house building or commercial development.

Annuity Based Subsidized Housing:

  • Builders will invest against deferred annuity payments by the Government.
  • Land allocation to builders is based on unit cost of construction.

Annuity-cum-Capital Grant Based Affordable Housing:

  • Besides annuity payments, builders could be paid a share of project cost as upfront payment.

Direct Relationship Ownership Housing:

  • As against government mediated payments to builders and transfer of houses to beneficiaries in the above four models, under this option, promoters will directly deal with buyers and recover costs.
  • Allocation of public land is based on unit cost of construction.

Direct Relationship Rental Housing: 

  • Recovery of the costs by builders is through rental incomes from the houses built on government lands.

Under these six Government land based PPP models, beneficiaries can avail central assistance of Rs.1.00 to Rs.2.50 lakh per house as provisioned under different components of PMAY(Urban).

Beneficiaries will be identified as per the  norms of PMAY(Urban).





Topic: Transport

NITI Aayog and IRF Geneva signs Statement of Intent (SoI) to cooperate in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)


  • The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) and the International Road Federation, Geneva (IRF Geneva) have signed a Statement of Intent (SoI) to cooperate in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). 


  • To create a national platform, involving all relevant Government of India stakeholders, Indian and foreign companies active in the sector, and relevant technical experts for the purpose of developing a National ITS Policy covering:

1) Traffic Management,

2) Parking Management,

3) Electronic Enforcement of Traffic Rules and Regulations,

4) Fleet Management and Monitoring,

5) Innovation in the field of ITS, and

6) Education in the field of ITS. 

  • The objectives of this national ITS Policy will be to contribute to reducing urban traffic congestion, improving the situation around parking of vehicles in cities, improving road safety, and improving the security of passenger and goods traffic.
  • The work of this National Platform will provide a coherent and consistent National ITS Policy covering domains such as traffic and parking management, enforcement, and security.




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