India to Host 10th International Conference on Theory and 
Practice of Electronic Governance: ICEGOV 2017


  • To be hosted for the first time in India, in collaboration with United Nations University and UNESCO
  • Will be held in Delhi from 7th March to Thursday, 9th March, 2017
  • The key objective of ICEGOV2017 is to explore how Digital Government can lead to Digital Empowerment by local knowledge
  • ICEGOV 2017 is the 10th edition of ICEGOV. It will focus on the use of technology to transform relationships between government and citizens, businesses, civil society. It will try to inculcate an outlook to create new forms, paradigms, foundations for technology-enabled governance, collaboration, development



“Operation Thunderbird”

  • To fight against wildlife crime, WCCB (Wildlife Crime Control Bureau under the aegis of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change) coordinated “OPERATION THUNDER BIRD” in India, from January 30-February 19, 2017
  • Operation Thunderbird is the code name for INTERPOL’s multi-national and multi-species enforcement operation
  • It has seen an overwhelming response from the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh

“Operation Save Kurma”

  • The WCCB had launched a species specific operation on turtles, code named “OPERATION SAVE KURMA”
  • It was conducted from December 15 last year to January 30, this year


DRDO Hands Over its Developed Products to Indian Army

Weapon Locating Radar (WLR)-SWATHI

  • Developed by DRDO’s Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE)
  • It provides fast, automatic and accurate location of all enemy weapons like mortars, shells and rockets firing within in its effective zone of coverage
  • It also simultaneously handles multiples projectiles fired from different weapons at different locations
  • It is capable of adjusting the fire of our own artillery weapon also
  • Thus WLR has two roles to perform – Weapon Location Mode for enemy Artillery and Direction of Own artillery Fire (DOOAF) Mode for our own Artillery


NBCRecce (or Reconnaissance) vehicle

  • The NBC Recce Vehicle Mk-I, is developed by Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (VRDE)
  • It is for carrying out post event recce of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contaminated areas
  • It is capable of collecting solid and liquid samples of biologically contaminated areas, mark the nuclear and chemical contamination zone and transfer the recce data speedily to support formations

NBC Drugs

  • Developed by DRDO’s INMAS (Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences)
  • INMAS is actively engaged in research in the field of radio protectors, de-corporation agents and antidotes for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) emergencies, combat casualty care and other life saving drugs.
  • INMAS has carried out extensive research and laboratory trials in the past two decades to develop formulations for use as antidotes and de-corporation agents for CBRN emergencies. Out of the several formulas developed by INMAS, 15 drugs have been identified for induction


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