
Find: 2(1/5) ÷ 1(1/5)

Solution We have to divide We shall convert the mixed fraction to improper fraction . = 11/5 =6/5 Then will determine reciprocal of... View Article

Find: (2/5) ÷ 1 ½

(2/5) ÷ Solution We have to divide (2/5) by We shall convert the mixed fraction to improper fraction . =3/2 Then will determine... View Article

Find: 3 ½ ÷ (8/3)

÷ (8/3) Solution We have to divide by (8/3). We shall convert the mixed fraction to improper fraction . =7/2 Then will determine... View Article

Find: 2(1/3) ÷ (3/5)

÷ (3/5) Solution We have to divide by (3/5). We shall convert the mixed fraction to improper fraction . =7/3 Then will determine... View Article