
Arya, Abhimanyu, and Vivek shared lunch. Arya has brought two sandwiches, one made of vegetable and one of jam. The other two boys forgot to bring their lunch. Arya agreed to share his sandwiches so that each person will have an equal share of each sandwich. (a) How can Arya divide his sandwiches so that each person has an equal share? (b) What part of a sandwich will each boy receive?

Solution (a) Arya has divided the sandwich into 3 equal parts. So each person will receive one part. (b) Each boy receives 1 / 3 part... View Article

Draw a number line and answer the following: (a) Which number will we reach if we move 4 numbers to the right of – 2. (b) Which number will we reach if we move 5 numbers to the left of 1. (c) If we are at – 8 on the number line, in which direction should we move to reach – 13? (d) If we are at – 6 on the number line, in which direction should we move to reach – 1?

Solution (a) When we move 4 numbers to the right of -2, we will reach 2 (b) When we move 5 numbers to the left of 1, we will reach at -4 (c)... View Article