
An apple falls from a tree because of gravitational attraction between the earth and apple. If F1 is the magnitude of force exerted by the earth on the apple and F2 is the magnitude of force exerted by apple on earth, then (a) F1 is very much greater than F2 (b) F2 is very much greater than F1 (c) F1 is only a little greater than F2 (d) F1 and F2 are equal

Answer: (d) F1 and F2 are equal Newton’s third law of motion states that when one body exerts a force on the other body, the first body... View Article

A girl stands on a box having 60 cm length, 40 cm breadth and 20 cm width in three ways. In which of the following cases, pressure exerted by the brick will be (a) maximum when length and breadth form the base (b) maximum when breadth and width form the base (c) maximum when width and length form the base (d) the same in all the above three cases

Answer: (b) maximum when breadth and width form the base Pressure is defined as the ratio of force to cross-section area. Pressure(P) =... View Article

A boy is whirling a stone tied with a string in an horizontal circular path. If the string breaks, the stone (a) will continue to move in the circular path (b) will move along a straight line towards the centre of the circular path (c) will move along a straight line tangential to the circular path (d) will move along a straight line perpendicular to the circular path away from the boy

Answer: (c) will move along a straight line tangential to the circular path At any instance of time objects in circular motion tend to be in... View Article