
Read the story titled “WISE FARMER” and tick the correct option to complete the story. A farmer was sad/happy to see his healthy wheat crop ready for harvest. He harvested the crops and left it under the sun/rain to dry the stalks. To separate the seeds from the bundles of the stalk he handpicked/threshed them. After gathering the seed grains he wanted to separate the stones and husk from it. His wife winnowed/threshed them to separate the husk and later sieved/handpicked to remove stones from it. She ground the wheat grains and sieved/filtered the flour. The wise farmer and his wife got a good price for the flour. Can you tell why?

Answer: (i) Happy (ii) Sun (iii) Threshed (iv) Winnowed (v) Handpicked (vi) Sieved A farmer was happy to see his healthy wheat crop ready for... View Article

State whether the following statements are true or false. (a) A mixture of oil and water can be separated by filtration. (b) Water can be separated from salt by evaporation. (c) A mixture of wheat grains and wheat flour can be separated by sieving. (d) A mixture of iron filings and rice flour can be separated by a magnet. (e) A mixture of wheat grains and rice flakes can be separated by winnowing. (f) A mixture of tea leaves and milk can be separated by decantation.

Answer: (a) A mixture of oil and water can be separated by filtration. - False. Since a mixture of oil and water can be separated by a separating... View Article

Paheli asked for a glass of water from Boojho. He gave her a glass of ice-cold water. Paheli observed some water droplets on the outer surface of the glass and asked Boojho how these droplets of water were formed. Which of the following should be Boojho’s answer? (a) Evaporation of water from the glass. (b) Water that seeped out from the glass. (c) Evaporation of atmospheric water vapour. (d) Condensation of atmospheric water vapour.

Answer: (d) Condensation of atmospheric water vapour. The droplets of water were formed when the air reaches the surface of the ice-cold glass,... View Article

During summer, Boojho carries water in a transparent plastic bottle to his school. One day he left his bottle in the school. The bottle still had some water left in it. The following day, he observed some water droplets on the inner surface of the empty portion of the bottle. These droplets of water were formed due to (a) boiling and condensation (b) evaporation and saturation (c) evaporation and condensation (d) condensation and saturation.

Answer: (c) evaporation and condensation The water droplets were formed due to high temperature in summers; the water gets heated in a plastic... View Article