
lt was Paheli’s birthday, her brother Simba was helping her to decorate the house for the birthday party and their parents were also busy making other arrangements. Following were the activities going on at Paheli’s home: (i) Simba blew balloons and put them on the wall. (ii) Some of the balloons got burst. (iii) Paheli cut colourful strips of paper and put them on the wall with the help of tape. (iv) She also made some flowers by origami (paper folding) to decorate the house. (v) Her father made dough balls. (vi) Mother rolled the dough balls to make puries. (vii) Mother heated oil in a pan. (viii) Father fried the puries in hot oil. Identify the activities at Paheli’s home as those that can be reversed and those which cannot be reversed.

Answer: Activities which are reversible: (i) Simba blew balloons and put them on the wall. (iv) She also made some flowers by origami (paper... View Article

Give one example in each case: (a) Change which occurs on heating but can be reversed. (b) Change which occurs on heating but cannot be reversed. (c) Change which occurs on cooling but can be reversed. (d) Change which occurs on mixing two substances, but can be reversed. (e) Change which occurs on mixing two substances, but cannot be reversed.

Answer: Here are examples for the above statements: (a) Heating of an iron rod (b) Baking of chapati (f) Formation of ice from water (d)... View Article

The iron rim is made slightly smaller than the wooden wheel. The rim is usually heated before fixing into the wooden wheel because on heating the iron rim (a) expands and fits onto the wooden wheel (b) contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel (c) no change in the size takes place (d) expands first, then on cooling contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel.

Answer: (d) expands first, then on cooling contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel. Iron expands on heating. So the smaller iron rim expands on... View Article

Salt can be separated from its solution (salt dissolved in water), because (a) mixing of salt in water is a change that can be reversed by heating and melting of salt (b) mixing of salt in water is a change that cannot be reversed (c) mixing of salt in water is a permanent change (d) mixing of salt in water is a change that can be reversed by evaporation

Answer: (d) mixing of salt in water is a change that can be reversed by evaporation Salt can be separated from water solution by evaporating the... View Article