Difference Between Mitochondria And Chloroplast

Mitochondria and chloroplast are organelles found in a plant cell. However, the chloroplast is absent in an animal cell, but mitochondria is found in both.

Mitochondria generates energy for the cell in the form of ATP using oxygen and nutrients. Chloroplast is the site for photosynthesis in a plant cell. Let us discuss the difference between mitochondria and chloroplast in detail.

Mitochondria vs Chloroplast

Mitochondria Chloroplast
Known as the powerhouse of the cell, it is responsible for energy metabolism and cellular respiration Larger and much more complex than a mitochondrion, it is the site where photosynthesis takes place.
Present in cells of all types of aerobic organisms such as plants and animals. Present in green plants and green algae
Bean-shaped Disc-shaped
Colourless organelle Green in colour
Matrix and Cristae are the two chambers present in a mitochondrion Stroma and thylakoid are the two chambers of a chloroplast
Consumes oxygen Releases oxygen
Do not possess any pigments Chloroplast is comprised of pigments such as chlorophyll, carotenoids and photosynthetic pigments
Energy is released by breaking down organic food producing carbon dioxide and water Stores energy and uses carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose


Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell. These are minute organelles floating throughout the cell. many cells, such as muscle cells, have thousands of mitochondria since they require a lot of energy. They are double-membrane structures made of an outer membrane and an inner membrane. The outer membrane surrounds the organelle while the inner membrane contains many folds and forms layered structures called cristae.


Chloroplast is found in plant cell and algae and is the site for photosynthesis. These are located in the cytosol of the cell. They have their own DNA and reproduce independently from the rest of the cell. It absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy.

From the above differences between mitochondria and chloroplast, we can conclude that both these organelles are essential and equally contribute to the function and growth of a cell.

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