Nirbhaya Fund (NF)
- Schemes of ministry of WCD under the NF
- One Stop Centre (OSC) or Sakhi Centre (SC)
- It is being implemented across the country since 1st April 2015
- It aims at establishing Centres to facilitate women affected by violence and would provide First aid, Medical aid, Police assistance, Legal aid and counselling support
- 186 OSCs are approved to be set up in the country (79 are operational and remaining would be made operational by July 2017)
- Women Helpline (allocated dialling number is 181) and is operational in 18 States/UTs
- One Stop Centre (OSC) or Sakhi Centre (SC)
Mahila Police Volunteers (MPVs) – the state of Haryana has become the first state to the MPVS (Mahila Police Volunteer Scheme-was launched in the districts of Karnal and Mahendragarh). This police will act as a link between police and community and help women in distress. Other States are expected to implement the scheme soon
Schemes of the Ministry of Home Affairs under the NF
- Emergency Response support System (ERSS) – It aims at integrating all emergency numbers to 112 with state of art technology. ERSS envisages an integrated computer aided emergency response platform to respond to distress calls and ensure speedy assistance to the distressed persons.
- Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) – The Central Victim Compensation Scheme has been set up under section 357A of CrPC. A Corpus Fund of Rs.200 Cr to be disbursed to States/UT for CVCF. This will support States/UTs in providing fund towards compensation to the victim or her dependents who have suffered loss or injury as a result of the crimes (including survivors of rape and acid attack).
Schemes of the Railways Ministry under the NF
- Integrated Emergency Response Management System (IERMS) – the cost of the approved project is Rs.500 Cr. It will provide round the clock security to women passengers in 983 Railway Stations by strengthening of Security Control Rooms of Railways with 182 Security Helpline, Medical Facilities, RPF and police, installation of CCTV cameras, etc
- Abhaya Project Proposal (Andhra Pradesh) – A proposal to ensure the safety of Women and Girl child during the transport (auto rickshaw). It has been proposed by Andhra Pradesh with a cost of Rs. 138.49 Cr
- CHIRALI: Friends Forever (Rajasthan) – Itis a scheme to constitute Community Action Groups in 7 districts of Rajasthan covering a total of 2071 Gram Panchayats for a period of three years i.e. from 2016-17 to 2018-19. The objective is to create an enabling environment that would support girls and women to move freely and make use of choices, spaces and opportunities for their overall well being. The cost of the Project is Rs 10.20 Cr
About NIRBHAYA fund
- The fund was set up in the Budget of 2013
- The funds will be used for implementation of initiatives aimed at enhancing the safety and security for women
- The corpus in the funds is non-lapsable (the corpus is Rs 1000 Cr p.a)
- The ministry of Finance (DEA-Department of Economic Affairs) has from time to time issued guidelines regarding usage of the funds
- The Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) is the nodal ministry authorised to appraise the schemes under the fund (announced by the government in 2015)
President launches countrywide Pulse Polio Programme for 2017
- India has reduced under-5 mortality rate from 75 per 1000 live births in 2005 to 45 per 1000 in 2014 as per recent SRS (Sample Registration System) estimates
- The immunization is one of the key interventions in reducing child deaths in country
- The ministry in order to expand the scope of immunization has introduced Rotavirus virus vaccineas a part of UIP (Universal Immunization Programme) from the last year
- The Ministry will soon introduce Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) that will help to reduce the burden of diarrhoea, pneumonia and meningitis
About PCV
- PCV protects against Streptococcus pneumonia (a bacteria)
- PCV was first introduced in 2000
- Was introduced in 5 countries-India, Indonesia, Somalia, China and Chad
- As per WHO, Streptococcus pneumoniae kills close to half a million children under 5 years of age worldwide every year, with most of these deaths occurring in developing countries
About UIP
- UIP was launched in 1985 in a phased manner
- Under this 7 vaccines are administered
- Diptheria, Pertusis, Tetanus (DPT)
- Polio
- Measles
- Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)
- Hepatitis B
- Japanese Encephalitis (in endemic districts)
- Haemophilusinfluenzae type b (Hib)
- 100% funding is provided by the central government
India Pharma & India Medical Device 2017
- Being organized by the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP), Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, along with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry(FICCI)
- It will be the 2ndInternational exhibition and conference on Pharmaceutical & Medical Device sector from 11th-13thFebruary, 2017 in Bengaluru
- The Vision of the exhibition is– For Responsible Healthcare
Film Condition Assessment Project under NFHM (National Film Heritage Mission) launched
- Launched by Ministry of I&B (Information and Broadcasting)
- It is to safeguard the country’s filmic and non-filmic heritage
- The Film Condition Assessment is the first phase of implementation of NFHM
About NFHM
- The mission has been launched in order to preserve, conserve, digitize and restore rich cinematic heritage of the country
- National Film Archive of India (NFAI) is the nodal organization
- 597.41 crore has been allotted towards implementation of the project