UDAY- App and Web Portal launched
- It’s a part of Digital India Initiative
- The portal/app
- Will ensure transparency
- Enhance accountability of various stakeholders
- Facilitate view of real time progress
- Enabling consumers to demand better services
- States of Telangana and Assam joined UDAY recently taking the tally of the states up to 20
About UDAY
- State government to take up 75% of the debt of the discoms (50% in first year and 25% in the second year)
- The state government can issue bonds in the market
- Future losses to be taken in a graded manner
- Banks to stop issuing advances for discoms to finance their losses
- Its optional for the states
Bunkar Mitra – helpline for weavers
- It is the Government of India’s Helpline for Handloom Weavers
- Helpline is a mix of technology, youth and tradition
- The helpline provides a single point of contact to handloom weavers across the country for addressing queries and providing guidance
Features of the helpline
- Can be accessed by dialing 1800-208-9988
- The service is available from 10.00 A.M to 06.00 P.M, on all 7 days of the week
- In seven languages: Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Kannada and Assamese
The following services are available through this helpline:
- Assistance on technical issues.
- Guidance for:
- Raw material supply.
- Availing credit facility.
- Quality control.
- Access to marketing linkages.
- Information about various schemes and procedure to avail benefits.
Indian Skill Development Services (ISDS) notified
- Has been notified by The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE)
- This service has been created for the Training Directorate of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
- With this the skill ecosystem is expected to get strengthened and modernized in line with the current scientific and industrial development in the country
- The knowledge acquired will give impetus to the initiative of the government to the skill development and also efficient and effective implementation of the schemes
- The Indian Skill Development Service (ISDS) will have 263 all India posts and The Academy for training of the cadre will be National Institute of Skill Development.
Cabinet approves Agreement between India and Uruguay
- It is regarding Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters
- The Agreement will provide a legal framework for sharing of information and intelligence between the Customs authorities of the two countries and help in the proper application of Customs laws, prevention and investigation of Customs offences and the facilitation of legitimate trade
The draft agreement covers
- Exchange of information on the correctness of the Customs value declared
- The authenticity of certificates of origin of goods
- The description of the goods traded between the two countries
- Uruguay is a member of MERCOSUR and an important trading partner of India
- India and MERCOSUR (a trading block in Latin America) have entered into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2009 and since then the bilateral trade between the aforementioned countries has been on the rise
- It’s a Customs Union consisting of Latin American Countries or South American Countries
- MERCOSUR was formed in 1991
- Its member countries are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela (has been suspended in December 2016)
- Venezuela had joined the group in 2012 and had to make certain legislative changes. The deadline lapsed on December 1, 2016 and since it has failed to make the changes, has been suspended
- Venezuela was supposed to chair the union but in its place the Argentina will chair MERCOSUR
MoU between India and Portugal approved by cabinet
- The agreement is for cooperation in the field of Agriculture and allied sectors
- The agreement shall come into implementation after signing and will remain in implementation for a period of 5 years and shall be renewed for another 5 years unless any of the parties decide to abrogate it through diplomatic channels
It covers
- Exchange of scientific and technical information
- Trade in plants and plant products
- Exchange of information in phytosanitary issues
- Training programmes, seminars and visits of experts and consultants
MoU between India and Kenya approved by cabinet
- The agreement is for cooperation in the field of Agriculture and allied sectors
- The agreement shall come into implementation after signing and will remain in implementation for a period of 5 years and shall be renewed for another 5 years unless any of the parties decide to abrogate it through diplomatic channels
It covers
- Agricultural research, post-harvest management and marketing, soil and conservation, water management, irrigation farming systems development and integrated watershed development integrated pest management, agricultural plant,
- Animal husbandry and dairy, livestock and fisheries
- Horticulture
- Natural resource management
- Machinery and implements
- Sanitary and phytosanitary issues
Shri Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar was sworn in as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India at a ceremony held today at Rashtrapati Bhavan