UPSC Exam Preparation: Topic of the Day – National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions

The National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI) under the Ministry of Human Resource Development was established through an ordinance promulgated in the year 2004 for the welfare of the minorities mentioned in the national common minimum programme. The ordinance was later replaced by the NCMEI Act in 2005.



  • The Commission is a quasi-judicial authority. It has been endowed with the powers of a civil court.
  • Only Supreme Court exercising writ jurisdiction under Article 32 and High Courts under Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution of India can entertain any suit, application or proceedings in respect of any order made by the Commission.
  • Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhists, Parsi and Jain have been notified as six minority communities in India, by the Central Government. It is important to note that no linguistic minority has been notified till date. Therefore linguistic minorities remain outside the jurisdiction of the Commission.
  • The Commission has adjudicatory and recommendatory functions such as:
    • To advise the Central Government and the State Governments on any question relating to the educational rights of the minorities referred to it.
    • To suo motu enquire or enquire on a petition presented to it by any Minority Educational Institution, or any person on its behalf into complaints regarding deprivation or violation of rights of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice and any dispute relating to affiliation to a University.
    • Review the safeguards provided by the Constitution, or any law that is in force for the time being, for the protection of educational rights of the minorities and ensure their effective implementation by recommending measures for the same.



Composition of the Commission:

  • Commission is composed of a Chairman and three other members.
  • The Chairman should have been a judge of High Court and must belong to a minority community.
  • The members shall also belong to a minority community and are persons of eminence, ability and integrity.


Read more ‘Topic of the Day’ and stay ahead of your competition. 



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