UPSC Exam Preparation: Topic of the Day – Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital

With a vision to initiate transformation in the education and health sectors and to address the need expressed by many states for technical support from NITI Ayog,  SATH – a programme for ” Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital” with the state government was launched by NITI Ayog. SATH is a move to promote the agenda for cooperative federalism. The programme will be implemented by NITI Ayog along with McKinsey & Company and IPE Global consortium finalised through a competitive bidding process. It involves a three-way partnership between the state governments, NITI Ayog and a knowledge partner for each of the sectors.

Under this initiative, NITI Ayog plans to build three future role model states for health systems. The three chosen states will be assisted in designing a robust blueprint, evolve a structure for program governance, set up monitoring & tracking mechanism and provide support to the state institutions to achieve the end objectives. A three-stage process was defined by NITI Ayog for the selection of states: statement of interest, presentations by the states and evaluation of adherence to health sector reforms. The three states of Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Assam are finalized post-rigorous competitive process based on the criterion of potential for impact and likelihood of success. Metrics such as incidence of malaria, IMR, MMR and others have been considered for determining potential impact while compliance to Indian Public Health System norms, the density of doctors and nurses are some of the metrics used to determine the probability of success.

The chosen states will have to commit to governance reforms in both the health and education sector in a time-bound manner. The programme management unit would be available in the three states for a period of thirty months to ensure efficiency and efficacy of the governance structures. NITI Ayog expects to develop such a model that could be easily replicated and adopted by the other states, leading to a marked transformation.


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