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Difference Between Encryption and Decryption

Encryption is the process that converts plain text into the coded one that appears to be meaningless, i.e., cipher text. Whereas, decryption is the process that converts ciphertext into plaintext. Let’s analyze the main difference between Encryption and Decryption.

What is Encryption?

Encryption is the process of converting simple data into a coded one. In technical terms, encryption is a method of converting plaintext into ciphertext so that only authorized users can understand it. The process of encryption requires a key and both sender and receiver have this key, thus the data traveling from one end to another can be secure.

What is Decryption?

Decryption is a process where the coded data is converted back to the readable form. i.e., the ciphertext is converted into plain text. The process of decryption also requires a key so that when the data is received at the receiver end, it can be converted into readable form.

Difference Between Encryption and Decryption

S.No. Encryption Decryption
1. It is a method of transforming a plain or clear text into ciphertext using a key. It is a method of transforming ciphertext into plain or clear text.
2. Process of encryption takes place at the sender’s end. Process of decryption takes place at the receiver’s end.
3. The encrypted data is called Ciphertext. Decrypted data is called Plain text.
4. A public key or secret key is used in the process of Encryption. A secret key or private key is used in the process of Decryption.
5. In encryption the sender sends the data once it is encrypted. In decryption, the receiver decodes the data once it is received.

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