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Difference Between for and while Loop in C, C++, Java

Both of these are loops used in the execution of various codes. But there is a fundamental difference between for and while loop in C, C++, Java. In this article, we will discuss the same. But let us know a bit more about each of these individually.

What is a for Loop?

The for loop provides its users with a concise way in which they can write the loop structure. The for statement, unlike the while loop, provides a very easy to debug and short looping structure. It does so by consuming the condition, initialization, and decrement/ increment in one line.

What is a while Loop?

The while loop is a type of continuous flow statement that basically allows the repeated execution of a code on the basis of any given Boolean condition. You can think of a while loop to be a repeating if statement.

Difference Between for and while Loop in C, C++, Java

Here is a list of the differences between for and while Loop in C, C++, Java.

Parameters for Loop while Loop
Basics The for loop provides its users with a concise way in which they can write the loop structure. It provides a very easy to debug and short looping structure. The while loop is a type of continuous flow statement that basically allows the repeated execution of a code on the basis of any given Boolean condition.
Number of Iterations These must be known when using a for loop. The while loop works well even if the number of iterations is basically unknown.
Condition It is a form of relational expression. The condition, in this case, may be a non-zero value or an expression.
Initialization The initialization may exist both- outside the loop or in the loop statement. The initialization, in this case, always occurs outside the loop.
Time of Increment The increment occurs only after the execution of the statement(s). We can perform the increment both- after or before the execution of the given statement(s).
Use We use the for loop when the increment and initialization are very simple. We use the while loop in the case of a complex initialization.

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